Fashion Retailer Zara Agrees to Pay $30,000 in Emotional Distress Damages, Train Its Employees, and Work With Community Organizations to Create Employment Opportunities for Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Non-Binary New YorkersComplainant, who identifies as gender non-binary, filed a complaint against Zara alleging that they faced gender-based discrimination and harassment while trying to use fitting rooms at Zara stores in New York City. With the help of an experienced legal team, you can rest assured that you have the best chance of getting compensation for the damage caused. Respondents agreed to pay $15,000 in civil penalties, to include the Commissions Notice of Rights in all new leases, to post the Commissions Notice of Rights in their building, and to attend training on their obligations under the NYC Human Rights Law. Respondents resolved the matter pre-complaint by creating a comprehensive plan to accommodate all residents with disabilities during the remaining elevator outages resulting from the modernization projects across their six buildings. Landlord and Property Manager of a Queens Building Agree To Settle Disability Discrimination Matter in Pre-Complaint InterventionComplainant alleged that his landlord and property manager failed to accommodate him and other tenants with disabilities by refusing to install a wheelchair-accessible ramp at the main entrance of the building he resides in, preventing him from entering or exiting the building and accessing the buildings elevator. 27 Sports Bar and Caf Settles Pregnancy Discrimination Case for $6,000 in Emotional Distress DamagesComplainant was turned away at the door when she attempted to enter 27 Sports Bar and Caf because she was visibly pregnant. Pax Assist, LLC Pays $17,500 in Civil Penalties and Emotional Distress Damages to Settle Claims of Religious Discrimination; Agrees to Train All Employees, Revise Policies, and Agrees to Two Years of Monitoring By the CommissionThe Commission filed both a Commission-initiated complaint and a public complaint against Pax Assist after it discovered that managers had discriminated against the companys Muslim employees when they asked that their breaks coordinate with fasting times during the month of Ramadan. The former manager, no longer employed with H+H, was required to attend the Commissions Anti-Sexual Harassment Training. Lawyers obtained a $400,000 settlement in a disability discrimination case without ever having to file a lawsuit. As part of a conciliation agreement, Gucci agreed to: provide NYC Human Rights Law training and diversity and equity training for employees located in New York City; continue consulting with community leaders and social change experts committed to the advancement of diversity, racial equity, and inclusivity, including experts knowledgeable about these issues as they relate to the fashion industry; continue working towards improving diversity at all levels of the organization; continue to work to increase cultural sensitivity, awareness, and education across the organization, including in design and marketing; and update the Commission on the progress of its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The Commission, the Complainant and Respondent entered into an agreement for Respondent to pay Complainant $5,000 in emotional distress and a civil penalty of $7,500. Pano Dion Corp., d/b/a Milkflower Settles Disability, Service Animal Case for $11,000 in Emotional Distress DamagesComplainants attempted to dine at Milkflower, a restaurant in Astoria, Queens, when they were denied entry due to the presence of a service animal. InDinero, Inc. agreed to pay $11,666.67 in back pay, $18,333.33 in attorneys fees, $25,000 in emotional distress damages, and $10,000 in civil penalties, and to revise their hiring policies and practices. To be eligible for an award, you must file a Form TCR within 30 days of submitting your information or within 30 days of learning of the TCR filing requirement. Through a subsequent Commission-initiated intervention, the Commission and Key Food entered into a stipulation and order in which Key Food agreed to have its owner and managers attend a training on the NYC Human Rights Law at the National Supermarket Association, whose members will also be invited to attend. For detailed information about the program, including eligibility requirements and certain limitations that apply, please see Section 922 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Amended Rules implementing the program. There are many different types of businesses, ranging from stores to franchises to services. Respondents also provided information to the Commission about ongoing federal monitoring of EEO complaints, and they completed the following: posted anti-sexual harassment and nondiscrimination notices throughout their Fleet Services locations, distributed anti-sexual harassment fact sheets to FDNY employees, and conducted a sexual harassment prevention training, reviewed and approved by the Commission. The lawsuit against Trader Joe's provides a rough outline of a whistleblower retaliation claim arising from COVID-19 and what an employer should not do (assuming for the moment, the core allegations are accurate). The Commission and the parties entered into a conciliation agreement requiring Respondent to pay Complainant $21,500 in emotional distress damages, pay $10,000 in civil penalties, provide all of the funds employees with anti-sexual harassment training, ensure that it has meaningful policies in place to address complaints of discrimination, post the Commissions Stop Sexual Harassment Act Notice, and distribute the Commissions Stop Sexual Harassment Act Fact Sheet. Newsbar Caf Settles Disability, Service Animal Case for $5,000, 40 Hours of Community Service A patron filed a complaint against EK of New York, Inc., d/b/a Newsbar Caf, alleging that she was denied services because of her service animal. 3-17586 (September 28, 2016), In the Matter of Health Net, Inc., File No. After a long negotiation process, the parties agreed that Respondent would pay $1,000 as a civil penalty to the City of New York, discontinue a pending action in state court against the Complainant and attend the Commissions anti-discrimination training. Brooklyn-based Property Management Company and Vice President Pay $94,000 in Damages and Penalties in Sexual Harassment CaseComplainant, who was employed as an office assistant by a property management firm for two and a half months, filed a complaint alleging that after she was hired, she was sexually harassed by a vice president, facing repeated unwanted romantic and sexual advances. Dodd-Frank does not specifically state whether, or to what extent, the anti-retaliation protections apply to individuals or conduct outside of the United States. Total receipts decreased by 26.3%. The department also announced the April 28, 2020 settlement of the Title VII claims brought in its lawsuit on behalf of Houston firefighter Paula Keyes. Rule 21F-17(a) provides that [n]o person may take any action to impede an individual from communicating directly with the Commission staff about a possible securities law violation, including enforcing or threatening to enforce a confidentiality agreementwith respect to such communications.. These FAQs provide short general summaries of certain key features of the SEC Whistleblower Program and do not purport to be a complete or comprehensive discussion of all of its provisions. Harassment, Forced to Quit. In conciliation, Respondents agreed to pay $11,000.00 to Complainants, attend training, train their staff on their new policy pertaining to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities and those who use service animals, and post the Commissions Notice of Rights in English and Spanish. Gristedes Agrees To Pay $11,000 in Damages, Retrain all NYC Employees, Revise Policies, and Post Notice of Rights in all NYC StoresComplainant, who identifies as an intersex woman, filed a complaint against Gristedes alleging that she heard an employee tell another employee while she was shopping that Complainant was "really a man." The Respondents worked with the Law Enforcement Bureau to settle the case in which Respondents paid Complainant $5,000 in emotional distress damages; agreed to edit and update their policies; agreed to take a training on the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law; agreed to send information to all their agents about their updated policies and compliance with the law; and agreed to ongoing monitoring by the Commission. Specifically, the charge numbers show the following categories of discrimination, in descending order of frequency: Touro also agreed to modify its employee policies to comply with the NYC Human Rights Law as well as train its managers and supervisors on the NYC Human Rights Law. NYC Department of Correction Agrees To Pay $6,000 and Put Up Postings to Settle Former Employees Race and Marital Status Discrimination ClaimComplainant, an investigator for the NYC Department of Corrections, alleged that during an interview for a specialized unit a supervisor asked about his marital status and stated that members of Complainants race never made it on to Respondents team. Following the incident, the patient filed a complaint against LabCorp for failing to accommodate his disability during his visit. Some of the most prevalent EPLI-related claims seen in 2020 include: Retaliation Claims on the Rise - More than half of EEOC claims filed in recent years have involved claims of employer retaliation against an employee. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act expanded the protections for whistleblowers and broadened the prohibitions against retaliation. Through its investigation, the Law Enforcement Bureau discovered evidence to support allegations that Complainants supervisor made inappropriate sexual comments and subjected Complainant to unwanted touching on multiple occasions. Respondent River Point Towers Cooperative Inc. agreed to pay $27,000 in emotional distress damages, create a written accommodation policy in compliance with the NYC Human Rights Law, and distribute the policy to all residents, co-op board members, and its staff. After the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau investigation, Newsbar agreed to pay $5,000 in emotional distress damages, for the owner to perform 40 hours of community service, for the owner and full-time employees to attend training on the NYC Human Rights Law, create and implement anti-discrimination policies under the NYC Human Rights Law, and display a service animal poster in its place of business. To settle the case, Respondents Mulberry and Alpha each paid a civil penalty of $1,000 to the City of New York, and Respondent Alpha also paid $2,000 to the Complainant for emotional distress. Somethingreek Restaurant Agrees to Pay $2,000 in Emotional Distress Damages, Attend Training, Create Anti-Discrimination Policy, and Post Notice of Rights Complainants, who have disabilities and use a service dog, filed a complaint alleging that a restaurant employee told them they could not remain in the restaurant with their service dog. In addition, Pinnacle Management agreed to set aside four apartments in their portfolio for applicants with housing subsidies or vouchers and update their policies in accordance with the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law. MMPS of New York paid the Complainant $7,822.87 in back pay, $22,177.13 in emotional distress damages, and $10,000 in civil penalties. A member of RSHs management will also attend training at the Commission. Damages usually consist of back wages, overtime pay etc., which fall to the employer to pay, not the insurance company. If you have been asked to sign such an agreement, or have already signed such an agreement, and want to understand how the rules may apply to you, we encourage you to consult with an attorney. The Complainants were paid $3,000 dollars in emotional distress damages, and the landlord agreed to post the Commission's Notice of Rights and "Fair Housing, It's the Law" poster, and attend the Commission's "Know Your Obligations" training. The resulting plans were adopted nationally across the YMCA of the USA (YUSA), allowing eligible employees and their dependents nationwide to access the plans. The investigation by the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau revealed that LabCorp quickly apologized to the Complainant following the incident and offered to accommodate him in his home. To resolve the case, NYIT agreed to pay $23,333.33 in emotional distress damages, $11,666.66 in attorney's fees, a $15,000 civil penalty, and to revise its policies to conform with the NYC Human Rights Law, provide anti-discrimination trainings to employees, and to post the Commissions Notice of Rights Poster in every New York City location. Retaliation is one of the most common employment claims pursued in court. CFM will also post the Commissions Notice of Rights, Single-Sex Facilities Notice, and Pink and Blue campaign posters at its Bronx location, and a member of its management will attend training at the Commission. After receiving the Complaint, Respondent conducted an internal investigation and took appropriate disciplinary action against the involved employees. The anti-retaliation protections generally apply to employees who report information regarding possible violations of the federal securities laws. Read Gay City News coverage of the case here. As part of the conciliation, LabCorp agreed to create an accommodation policy for both visitors and employees, to distribute the accommodation policy to all staff, and to train its New York City staff on the new policy. Representatives from Respondent landlord also attended a training on the NYC Human Rights Law. During the pendency of the investigation, Respondent updated its application form to come into compliance with the New York City Human Rights Law. Many times, individuals who file such lawsuits simply do not have the financial means to pursue such cases. The parties entered into a conciliation agreement in which Respondents paid Complainant $59,500 in full back pay and $10,000 in emotional distress damages; Respondent HSBC paid $30,000 in civil penalties to the City of New York; updated their discrimination policies to comply with the NYC Human Rights Law; posted the Commissions Notice of Rights, Stop Sexual Harassment Act Notice, and Pregnancy Discrimination Notice; and trained all supervisory/managerial employees with hiring responsibilities on NYC Human Rights Law. Despite Complainants explanation that the shorter time was insufficient for her to fulfill her religious obligations, and her repeated requests for reconsideration, Respondents denied her request without explanation. Gucci Settles Commission-initiated Case Alleging Race Discrimination and Agrees To Multiple Restorative Justice MeasuresThe Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau issued a cease and desist letter and launched a race discrimination investigation into Guccis sale of a sweater that evoked discriminatory imagery and filed a complaint in December 2020. Complainant had taken the same leave for three years in a row, but in her fourth year, her new manager stated Complainant would only be approved for a portion of the time she requested. 639 Realty LLC and Affordable Housing Real Estate Corp. Settle Source of Income Discrimination Case for $5,000 in Emotional Distress Damages and Policy UpdatesA complainant alleging discrimination based on his attempt to use his HASA voucher filed a complaint against 639 Realty LLC and Affordable Housing Real Estate Corp. As part of the conciliation agreement, Respondents paid Complainant $5,000 in emotional distress damages; agreed to edit and update their policies; agreed to take training on the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law; and agreed to send information to all their agents about their updated policies and compliance with the NYC Human Rights Law, along with ongoing monitoring by the Commission. Landlord and Broker Settle Source of Income Discrimination Case for $21,000 and Affirmative Relief, Including Set-Aside of Apartments for Voucher HoldersBased on paired testing by the Fair Housing Justice Center contracted by the Commission, the Commission filed a Commission-initiated complaint against Ginesteri Equities and Giovanni Ginestri, a landlord, and Signature Spaces, a broker, alleging source of income discrimination. Restaurant Pays Damages in Private Settlement for Sexual Orientation Workplace HarassmentComplainant, a server at a large Manhattan restaurant with a single location, alleged that he was harassed by coworkers and improperly terminated because of his sexual orientation, in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Respondent Shin Gallery agreed to create a policy in accordance with its obligations under the New York City Human Rights Law to provide reasonable accommodations and to attend training on the Law. 3-17801 (January 19, 2017), In the Matter of Blackrock, Inc., File No. In order to fight back against those who have perpetrated the wrong, it is essential that you have a strong defense. Your email address will not be published. Complainant, who saw the help wanted sign again a few months later, alleged that Respondent C Town denied him employment because of his age, race, and color. 3-17596 (September 29, 2016), In the Matter of Paradigm Capital Management, Inc. and Candace King Weir, File No. The online application contained language authorizing Yodle to contact law enforcement and credit agencies. Recent jury awards and out-of-court settlements illustrate the potential risk in retaliation lawsuits. Due to Respondents demonstrating financial hardship after being forced to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, civil penalties were waived. News. After the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau found probable cause, Respondents agreed to pay Complainant $14,500 in emotional distress damages, $24,500 in civil penalties, attend a NYC Human Rights Law training, create an anti-discrimination policy, post the Commissions Fair Housing poster, and construct a ramp at the apartment buildings main entrance. It remains to be seen whether the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited sex discrimination will have an impact on total LGBTQ-based sex discrimination charges filed.. In addition to discrimination charges, in fiscal year 2020, the EEOC resolved 165 lawsuits and filed an additional 93 lawsuits. Respondent NYC Parks agreed to pay $25,000 in emotional distress damages and to pre-certify her to be hired for the next available NYC Parks job for which she qualifies in one of two boroughs. Securitas Security Services Settles Disability Discrimination Case by Paying $15,000 in Backpay, Damages, and Penalties; Agrees to Training, Policy Revisions, and PostingsComplainant filed a disability discrimination complaint against Securitas Security Services alleging a failure to accommodate her disability, constructively terminating her employment, and retaliating against her based on her disability. The Commissions Legal Enforcement Bureau investigated, and OMG agreed to pay Complainant $30,000 in emotional distress damages. The landlord and management, Moshe Piller, 8750 Bay Parkway, LLC, and MP Management, LLC, then constructed internal and external ramps, compliant with the American National Standards Institute code. 1. "Subjecting a law enforcement officer to egregious racial slurs and epithets, then retaliating against him and others who supported him for reporting . Richard Sandoval Hospitality Agrees to Training and Notice of Rights Postings for Discriminatory Questions about Immigration at a Manhattan RestaurantAfter receiving credible information that Zengo, a restaurant in Manhattan, was making inappropriate inquiries regarding the immigration status of its customers, the Commission sent a cease and desist letter and ultimately came to an agreement with Richard Sandoval Hospitality (RSH), the restaurants corporate owner. Pinnacle Management entered into a conciliation agreement in which they agreed to pay $50,000 in emotional distress damages to Complainant, undergo training on the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law, post CCHR's "Fair Housing, It's the Law" poster in all business offices and buildings under their control for at least one calendar year, and email all agents and licensed or unlicensed brokers information on the NYC Human Rights Law source of income provisions. Food Colony LLC d/b/a C-Town Supermarkets Settles Discrimination Claims Based on Age, Race, and Color, Providing a Written Apology to Complainant, Undergoing Training, Revising Policies, and Updating Employment ApplicationA prospective employment applicant, who was sixty-seven years old and self-identified as brown-skinned and of mixed race, alleged that he saw a help wanted sign posted outside of Respondent Food Colony LLC d/b/a C-Town Supermarkets (C-Town). For example, if an employer discovered that an employee was making jokes about another person in front of their peers, this would often mean that the employer would be liable for firing the employee. Bloomsbury will also post the Commissions Notice of Rights and Salary History Ban posters in its offices and a member of its management will attend training at the Commission. 2020 BLACK LIVES MATTER Open Letter to Wealthy Americans: Black Lives Should Matter To You . An Iowa jury recently awarded $80.2 million in punitive damages and $527,872 in compensatory damages to a manager who claimed she was discriminated against because of her sex and retaliated against when she complained of the discrimination. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).. A retaliation claim consists of three elements: (1) a protected activity; (2) materially-adverse employment action; and (3) a nexus between them.An employee engages in "protected activity" when s/he complains of . The Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau found that Respondents violated the NYC Human Rights Law in refusing to provide a reasonable accommodation. The investigation found that the restaurant owner made one Complainant show the medical device affixed to her body in public and after doing so, denied Complainants service on the basis of one Complainants disability and her service animal.
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