But let me give you a hint, in apocalyptic literature, every time thrones are mentioned it is a heavenly scene. Or was it because he was caught? Im a line cook (staff member) at Calvary chapels restaurant The Grill, I went to the church staff meeting at 2:30 today (4/6/14) where this information was officially announced. They ended up locked in dueling lawsuits, with the pastor accusing Calvary's leaders of skimming profits and the Smiths charging that he used his influence running the radio stations to pressure women into sex. Coy is exposed for his moral situation. That case was settled out of court, but the attorney who brought the case says that, in general terms, Smith's habit of forgiving and rehiring pastors who have committed sexual offenses is a recipe for disaster. There are multiple known affairs. Those in his wake need compassion. Thanks for the suggestion, I am not going to go the Mega route right now since I am very need of the Body as a family at this juncture of my life. If you are indeed saying the truth. 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and SHALL REIGN WITH HIM A THOUSAND YEARS. They told me about some others they knew who were part of the less prestigious meals. I guess the comment should have read In lieu of that verse, should a dog return to its vomit?. I dont understand the part about bringing pride into this in some of the comments. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. As I said yesterday, I am sure he looked with great anticipation for each encounter rolling it around in his mind. No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. How sad. Is there a man here who would go over and console Coy at the expense of his sister. Andy, I will not play your game. This thread will be closed shortly so I can have an evening to do other things. Huge crowds hung on his every word. Miami New Times, which first reported on the child abuse accusations against Coy on Tuesday, said that the 61-year-old founder of the 25,000-member megachurch in Florida is denying the allegations. The danger with the Calvary Chapel transformation Gospel is that it makes your walk and your fruit the evidence of your official saved-ness. thoughts? Coy's life story is biblical in scope and obvious in moral lessons. Hugh said, And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well!, You hath better harken to the truth and backeth down thine misplaced anger at the messenger of the Lordyou son of a motherless goat. Scott I have had personal conversations with Tullian. By sheer volume in the epistles, doctrine is brought up more than moral issues. Its my blog. Whats the big deal, so he diddled a few broads, werent they consenting adults, how can anyone judge, maybe they had an open marriage, comman people relax its only sex, it only last a few minutes, what is that, like less than 5% of all the other things hes doing for the church, leave the guy alone, I dont see any women complaining, didnt King David have a few dozen women standing in the wings waiting for their turn, and how bout Solomon, a few hundred to choose from, well dont read their works in your Bible then, and isnt every pastor guilty of adultery if you take Jesus words seriously, that to look upon a woman with lust youve already committed adultery, using this criteria shouldnt every pastor in America be fired, give the guy a break, hes a good teacher, everyone strays a little bit and has a little strange on the side, many wives know this and realize it doesnt mean anything, just a little release. why did your wife divorce you, were you unfaithful? Were the same sinners as before. Unfortunately, his teaching was very shallow, and a tendency toward story-telling and stand-up comedy in favor of sound, Biblical doctrine was both offensive and disappointing to me asking themselves why they did not recognize the absence of authentic Christian character in the fallen mega-pastor. And when I was little, they often took me with them to church, and I remember the impression the services made on me. Loss of a job, insurance, future employment, loss of career. November 14, 2017 The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. On the issue of DC his wife- if you read her page on the church website she explains that she left ministry to raise her kids and be home for Bob. Why is same-sex marriage an issue in the election of the new Scottish First Minister? 8. He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on. . Lori, I cant help but remember the hell you went through and how long it lasted. Again, welcome. Not only is he a humble man for someone who held that position for so long but pride does not throw you into that kind of sin, its if anything, coveting what is not yours that does. If you never lived together with others then you have never lead Jesus Style and problems will eventually surface when you fail to lead in this way. And they are legion. This post is the work of SATAN. "If you're angry or you're disillusioned or you're fearful, if you embarrass yourself or you disappoint yourself he can take all the mess and turn it into something beautiful.". Blessings on your search. Lol. 7. I also understand there was supposed to be an auction for a car (donated by a dealership),,and the congregation didnt like that idea. By that account we are all guilty, except it would seem for MLD. Bob Coy did not address the congregation on Sunday. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. Praying for all involved and also praying for those casting stones and pointing fingers. An indiscretion with a woman..ok.two women is ok in this culture. When Jesus said The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. he was not saying. The things I did before coming to Christ came naturally and I had no problem doing them. So Gary, why do you bring up the Lutheran thing. I do not judge him. Nobody handed him the keys, he built this church. It seems like it must be bad because for a simple dalliance it usually goes unnoticed. Get back to us in a year. there has been NO confirmation of what the moral failure is. It took him completely by surprise and his first concern was for the church. Im off to bed. If you answered yes to all 7 questions you are a Preterist Scripture denying Calvinist! One harsh standard for othersthen grace! and mercy! and not the same standard when its time for the pastor to pay for his sins. and also, after reading the article in Charisma, The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him .. uh, what about for the congregation?????? I pray that he must show true repentance and fruit before he is ever allowed to preach from any pulpit, and I pray that process is not rushed along as we often have seen happen in the past with other fallen pastors. Ill say the amen. how do you know Pastor Bob wasnt victimize? No excuses, no buts. Embrace him. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. In fact, at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network around the United States have been charged with abusing children since 2010. Krent W. I apologize for my flippant remark to your initial comment at 338. Im not amill, but that was a ludicrous statement. He resigned. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. Seven is the perfect number: a week of years: a complete revolution of time accompanying a complete revolution in his state of mind. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown. I craved the emotional and physical support I wasnt getting. No sin overtakes us, except what is common to man. Deal with it. Too much too soon. As I made comment on those who did, others jumpe in and made each a Luther discussion. Jesus,Jesus, Jesus.in everything Ive read, not one has acknowledged that He died for this very reasonEVERYONE OF US IS GUILTY. Donnyplease clean it up. MLD, no point in debating anything with you. If Bob leaves satan wins. I was one who looked down at my nose at all things not CC for many years and time has shown me that CC is not the church of Philadelphia. Wonderful speaker, truly inspiring, but Gay all the same. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. Now after commenting about 1st looks etc, I must confess that I have the hots for Stevie Nicks. Afterwards BC was the poster boy for raising money and he spoke for Crown Financial on how to get the church to give. That is indeed, spiritually scary. Michael is a Calvinist. MLD In your desire to make the scriptures fit with your predisposed interpretation, youre assigning a secondary meaning that the text does not warrant, the text is giving us a period of time not a symbolic application as you are trying to assert. 1 And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig shall grow forth out of his roots. Con man. HAVE YOU EVER VIEWED PORNOGRAPHY IN YOUR OVER 30 YEARS OF MARRIAGE? Hooked on porn for years. If I remember correctly-Fidels was before he was saved. Then there was another put up for bid winning at a lower price. You are embarrassing. Because God blesses their marriages, they experience genuine love which is far more satisfying and pleasurable than a lifetime of dishonest and destructive one night stands and empty relationships. Flynn, You are a false teacher you said that your Bible said that the SEVEN YEAR tribulation will be. 2014 On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, after admitting to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. But in 1981, his life changed forever thanks to an epic holiday hangover and his brother Jim, who'd already found religion. Dont know the person but I think they attended CCFL. It appears I missed the Mensa meeting on this thread ;o). Join Facebook to connect with Diane Coy and others you may know. The less-er donors got a buffet lunch. Michael- The attacks you are receiving remind me of the attacks I got when I was at that church attempting to do good. The good works and true worship rendered to Jesus by the people in this fellowship need to honored, promoted and protected within a leadership environment that regards Jesus and holy and true or they need to be redirected and redeployed elsewhere . The most disturbing part about many of these posts is the disparate amount of sympathy and even defense for the sinner relative to concern verbalized for his family and the church. Devastated, I left my home church because of Bob Coys candid sermons that are always delivered with been there done that backround..I,m on my knees for him and his family knowing that what Michael before me said is all true..very sad. What was Jesus thinking!? She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. I never liked him .he was a smooth talker actor on stage and the bigger he became the bigger and cockier he became. Michael, what is your intention with this? people need to vent, to be angry, to feel betrayed and to weep. Seems sad, really. Please download this free book to help men you know establish Gospel-centered accountability that lasts: Coming Clean: Overcoming Lust Through Biblical Accountability. http://www.covenanteyes.com/accountability-partner-ebook/, I think quoting one of the ten commandments isnt politically correct, Having read some of the comments posted, I am dissapointed at the lack of compassion and those with self-righteous attitudes. BTW My Grandmother the mother of 12 and Grandmother of 33+ and a bunch of great grand kids was the most Christian woman I ever knew and she was a devout Catholic so was Mother Teresa for that matter. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. Am I close? This is not uncommon among men. HMMMMM Heretic, this sound more like what I have heard. All. Bob knew all the more well what he was doing, there wasnt some demon forcing him into this action. I think thats a YES! Are we in the (symbolic) millennium 3. I think they need to clean house in order to restore confidence. The blog host has spent the week publishing positive, restorative articles after the news broke. How you define orthodoxy isnt the final word on the matter, is it? Bob Coy may not have been a good pastor but he was a great Bible teacher (amalekites, perizzites, canaanites OH MY!) Im what you call a baby Christian. Im just sick to death of Christians jumping all over each other when theyve fallen. I have family and friends who have suffered the destruction of cheating and divorce, and the kids are the ones who are hurt the most. Well the subject is that is Bob Coy is not fit to be a Pastor because of his sexual indiscretions. The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. The fig tree was a representation of the leadership in Jerusalem and what did Jesus say to it when it had no fruit? This is the real price of sin in our lives, fully on display. I listened to the message at calvary today. Now lets help him get back to his feet. Stop this! However, Bob has disqualified himself, perhaps for the rest of his life, from the office of Pastor. Did God ask you to do this? Sharon is still a strong and encouraging leader for her firefighting unit despite the sadness of losing her daughter in a car accident involving her son Bode. His fame went to his head. Coy is twisting in the wind. And so are you. MLD- Jesus wasnt literal and theres no book in your hand. I have no use for Macarthur but the info on your links is bogus. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. Let there be no hint of rejoicing in this sad day. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Im in good standing with my church and those Im accountable to. What about the husbands and children of the women you use just for kicks, so you dont get bored? As his star rose and his congregation grew into the tens of thousands, the Sun Sentinel solicited weekly faith columns written by Coy. Before leaving each church, we shared our research with the pastors who made excuses, denied the facts and questioned our right to find fault with their church doctrine and leadership. . I hope in time Bob will have someone reach out to him as I have dear people and pastors reach out to me. I suspect that the laughs made him realize it worked..got more people in and maybe it became like a treadmill that you can never get off of. Was awake a lot last night both praying and reliving my own similar, tho much smaller scale experience. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. There of course will be natural consequences for his sin (as there for all of us) when we too sin, but his will be on a much bigger stage. You just have to be careful when looking for a church some of these churches teach that Calvinism garbage, like God had chosen some to go to hell and theres no such thing as free will for the nonbeliever, and the limited atonement nonsense that Jesus only died for the elect and not for the whole world, others teach replacement theology that God is through with the nation of Israel and we the church have replaced them and there are no more promises for Israel, but instead they apply to the church. I do pray for the restoration of Bob and his family. , : , . This is between God, his family and him. Yesvery important to kill the messenger. By the same token, I like the debate but blame others . why do the most ardent Coy defenders have to use capital letters and too much punctuation? The case was closed in 2016. Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. It doesnt say or infer anything you are saying. Diane Schuler, aka Aunt Diane, died in an accident. David, Jerry Falwell despised Bakker because of his theology and his lifestyle. I did the change the headline to removed so as not to get caught up in ridiculous minutia. Lots of times these powerful pastors mete out some discipline or are heavy-handed with a churchgoer and not as gracious as they could have been or maybe the pastor was wrong the sheep was rightand then the pastor gives them the left foot of fellowship and the rest of the ginormous following does the shunning etc.so I understand why some will have their moment of glee over this. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. Do those people have a right to know? I think its cheap entertainment. His family is leaving. This is really funny have all of you married guys been tempted and have actually struggled to not have an affair. Some of the biggest anti-Semites have been Jewish! MLD? My best advice is to try a few, some you will leave saying I wont go back Some you will attend for a few weeks and get a feel for it. Is his family with him? I sincerely hope you will stop wasting your time on this blog, seeing each of for who we really are, a bunch of very failure ridden representatives of Jesus, just faking our way through every day and butchering this faith called Christianity. I truly pray for him and his family. He resigned because he had no choice. Coddington hosted the Discovery Channel show American Hot Rod. 'Jesus Revolution' leaves out the tough stuff but gets the music right, Sacked chaplain to appeal after losing employment tribunal case. And bravo to a strong board if they are able to prevent these common pitfalls of a fall. The covering tells me that whatever Bobs moral failures wereit warrants protection for the Body. Instead you drew a caricature based on his post for your #54 and made anyone reading who might be 300 pounds feel even better about themselves. There is a reason God forgives us. Thank you for sharing this hard news, Michael. Coy was a conmanthis was going on for a long time and he was basically giving Jesus the finger?? | (Screenshot: YouTube/Liberty University) Bob Coy, founder of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in Florida who resigned as senior pastor over moral failings in 2014, has been accuse I plainly tell you who I am, where I am coming from and what I believe and you continue to assert that I am something other than what I claim. So, the next time she walks by, dont give a 2nd glance. I can document that. I hope they reconsider that vision in light of his failure. It never is. I have been married over 45 yrs and am almost Muslim like when I come in the presence of other women. Maybe because of the internet??? 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the THOUSAND YEARS were finished. Register today for the I Am His conference at. Just one final thing, after youve read those 4 books, just stop, dont go any further. What Coy did is wrong, he committed adultery. He should have been honest and asked for a divorce. Im pretty sure if it had been men, that Coy would have got nuked at a higher temperature. You become an accuser of the brethren for the sake of your worship. Most of the regular posters, find no glee in what has happened. Just answer the question! 3. CC has deleted him from their history. You dont have any morals.your life is a lie. it is right there in your favorite Rev 20 passage. The Lord Knows. I would like to see some evidence for your claims. They are being good guardians and deserve no finger pointingjust applause for being brave and having the character to do such a thing.