HPs will not liaise directly with CMs, but will liaise with DWP service assurance managers (SAMs) where the CMs have queries, for example: seeking additional advice either based on current advice or because further evidence has been submitted. In general, there is no single answer that can be applied as each claimant's situation is unique to their own application. The consent process above should be followed. How do I manage my money if I have to go into hospital? 1.7.22 All telephone conversations should be recorded and include all relevant clinical information gathered by the HP. How do I manage my money if I have mental health problems? Under normal circumstances the HP would make copies of the original evidence and hand the originals back to the claimant. For example, you can request: If the location of your assessment is more than 90 minutes away by public transport and you have difficulty travelling long distances, you might be offered an alternative site. If the presence of a companion becomes disruptive to the consultation, the HP may ask them to leave. I had a horrible experience with the assessor. In some cases this might be a support worker or therapist rather than the GP. This may be particularly important where the claimant has a mental, cognitive or intellectual impairment. Assessment providers should improve training for assessors to make sure they are mental health informed with knowledge and understanding about how someone's mental health can fluctuate and impact their lives on a day-to-day basis so that people can get the financial support they need. 1.9.6 If there is more than one relevant functional condition, the prognosis should take account of the effects of all conditions and the added impairment resulting from any interactions that may occur. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. 1.15.1 The department collects consent on behalf of GPs to allow them to share medical records. PIP sits alongside support provided by the NHS and local authorities and is not meant to duplicate that support. im glad so many people have been awarded pip,but to me mine was and still is depressing,i had my phone assessement on the 27th of january,ive had my condition still july 2020,my condition is osteoarthritis in both hips,i have lld,and these conditions affect my knees,groin,lower back,and basically pain all the way done to my ankles,i have to use Companions should take no part in examinations. The assessment considers the overall impact of a claimants health condition or impairment on their functional ability, rather than focusing on a particular diagnosis. 1.8.4 For each activity area, the HP should use evidence to choose one descriptor which best reflects the claimant's ability to carry out an activity, taking into account whether they need to use aids or appliances and whether they need help from another person or an assistance dog. 1.6.15 The HP must document the symptoms and history of the condition as described by the claimant. Such cases will be flagged to the AP at the point of referral. How are mental health and money worries linked? He lives in supported accommodation and there has been no change to his functional ability in the last few years. (PIP) Assessment - Turn2us; Related Posts. You need to tell the private assessment provider why you cant attend your appointment in an assessment centre. You dont become too concerned about the word severe since anxiety and distress can appear different in severe expressions in affected people. The horror stories are, if anything, even worse than they were in May of this year. 1.2.3 The report to the department should include: relevant history of the claimant, including information on the disabling health conditions or impairments, their functional effects and information on their current medication and treatment, advice on the appropriate assessment descriptors for the claimant, based on consideration of the evidence on file and, if appropriate, the evidence that the HP has collected during the consultation. your mental health condition makes using a bus or train difficult. Most people claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will be asked to attend a PIP assessment with a healthcare professional. You can deal with someone you dearly loved who has a terminal illness by buying this book on this website. Am I eligible for Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)? The healthcare professional to be a specialist in mental health. They should not move the claimants limbs. 142 replies 83.7K views . 1.6.76 Claimants are not required to provide evidence that would incur a fee to request a home consultation (unless they already have that evidence available). However, their mental health conditions are likely to persist., 3 year review She is experiencing limitations to her functional ability due to severe depression and anxiety, which she has had for a few years. The presence and name of the chaperone should be recorded in the report. It must be remembered that some of the information may not be readily understood by those who are not trained and experienced HPs. 1.6.9 Different types of questions should be used where appropriate: open questions which need more than a yes or no answer (for example, Tell me about, What do you do when, How do you) encourage the claimant to describe how their health condition or impairment affects them, closed questions which need a specific answer (for example, Can you, How often) are needed when establishing a fact, such as how often medication is being taken, clarifying questions invite the claimant to explain further some aspect of what they have said (for example, Let me make sure Ive understood this correctly), extending questions allow the HP to develop the story the claimant is giving (for example, So what happens after). Mr Z has diabetes and depression with agoraphobia. The PIP medical assessment consists of several parts and will last on average, 60 minutes: In this part of the assessment, the health professional will ask you a series of questions about how your condition affects your everyday life. The entitlement threshold for each component is 8 points for the standard rate and 12 points for the enhanced rate. How do I manage my money if I have to go into hospital? Have you read something you think others need to know? This is very important if you are assessed on a better day. The HP should invite the claimant to talk through all the activities they carry out on most days, from when they get up to when they go to bed. 1.15.27 In cases treated under the SREL process, a telephone call to a different health professional should be considered. 1.6.58 Upon prior request, providers have the facility to audio record telephone and face to face consultations. 1.8.13 Report forms should contain where appropriate an overall summary justification or an individual justification for each descriptor choice providing a succinct summary for the CM of the evidence obtained and used in the HPs consideration and the reasons for descriptor choice. The HP should explain what information will be shared and why. 64 Posts. This would be considered together with other factors such as their manner, hearing ability, walking ability during the history taking, through to the conclusion of the consultation. 1.8.10 It is essential that the CM is made aware of the evidence the HP has used to complete the assessment report. PIP Mental Health Success (How to Claim PIP for Mental Health) PIP is not a compensation payment for ill health / disability; it is to help people with the increased costs of daily living in cases of long term ill health or disability. Check if youre eligible for PIP. Hi everyone, Thanks for letting me onto the forum and for all your help! Information about variability is crucial in assessing the functional effects of the claimants condition that apply on the majority of days and whether someone can carry out activities reliably, bearing in mind that advice will need to consider the impact of conditions over a year-long period. 1.6.22 If the HP identifies inconsistencies between work and information on the claimant questionnaire, the HP should question these inconsistencies and document the response. 1.7.31 Should an HP identify that a claimant is likely to meet the SREL conditions during a consultation and the claimant is aware of their condition, the HP should treat the case as a SREL referral. if so, which of the descriptors in the mobility activities set out in the assessment criteria are likely to be relevant to the claimant. Pip telephone assessment experience. If the PA3 requires a response to the mobility questions at activities 11 and 12, the HP should select A (zero points) and type the comment N/A Exportability Case. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 1.9.2 The CM also needs advice to help inform decisions on when claims should be reviewed, taking into account issues such as the likely progression of the condition and whether it is likely to improve, stay the same or worsen. 1.15.22 Proof of consent given by claimants need not be routinely sent by APs when requesting further evidence. Mosque De Sannois Mosque Sannois, 11 Rue des Frres Kegels, 95110 Each descriptor has a score. 1.2.2 The key elements of the HPs role in PIP are to: consider information in the claimant questionnaire and any supporting evidence provided along with it, determine whether a claim can be assessed on the basis of a paper review and provide appropriate advice, determine whether any additional evidence needs to be gathered from health or other professionals supporting the claimant. When considering such requests, the HP should consider the points outlined above before making a decision on whether a home consultation would be appropriate. 1.9.8 Advice on prognosis must be fully explained and comprehensively justified. There are various sources of further evidence, including, but not limited to: a report from other health professionals involved in the claimants care such as a community psychiatric nurse (CPN), a report from a local authority-funded clinic, evidence from any other professional involved in supporting the claimant, such as social workers, key workers or care co-ordinators, telephone conversations with any such professionals, information from a disabled young persons school or special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO). PIP telephone assesment today MoneySavingExpert Forum It's important you prepare - the DWP will use evidence from the assessment to decide if you can get PIP. If you have any questions about PIP assessment questions on mental health, please let us know and the team will gladly answer your questions. These periods are known respectively as the qualifying period and prospective test. contacting the claimant by telephone for further information. We have translated the site; would you prefer to read in Welsh? The CM will re-examine the facts of the case, the law and any other issues which applied when the decision was made. 1.7.12 Consultations are not required where a claim has been referred under the SREL provisions. 1.6.20 The HP should record a concise and relevant social and occupational history. Where there is clear and current evidence of a claimants functional examination findings in a particular area, HPs do not need to conduct an examination of that area. I thought about going into detail on what is PIP, who can apply for PIP, and everything you need to know about it, but instead, I'll leave it to the link below and just get on with my first PIP phone assessment experience and what . This free money management tool is specifically for people on Universal Credit. Where the HPs opinion differs from other opinions on file for example in further medical evidence or a previous HPs advice then a full explanation of the reasons for the difference of opinion should be given. This is because the HP is not trying to make a diagnosis of their condition. The claimant or companion may keep the notes and do not have to provide a copy to the HP, although the HP may record that notes were taken. Babyroobs is right they are turning down more than they award at the moment so just be prepared to make a mandatory reconsideration. Mental Health & Money Advice. You can also answer yes if you meet one of the following conditions: Here is another sample PIP assessment question on mental health: Do you need help from another person, guide dog or specialist aid to get to a location that is unfamiliar to you?YesNoSometimes. Question 13a 1.6.19 Where the claimants current medication is accurately recorded in either the claimant questionnaire or in supporting evidence, the HP may reference where it is recorded instead of reproducing this information in the assessment report. Luxury Homes for Sale in Sannois, le De France, France Go. You are most welcome to join today! Am I eligible for Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)? 1.15.7 Consent to contact third parties to allow them to share information will be sought by the DWP during the initial information gather regardless of whether the claimant applied for PIP over the telephone or on a written claim form. | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! 1.6.17 All current medication, including over-the-counter medication, should be recorded in the report, unless it is fully documented on other evidence in PIPCS. Introduction. You should explain the following: These general PIP assessment tips will also help you: We recommend that you record the audio for your face-to-face PIP assessment. Special category data includes the following (Article 9 (1) UK GDPR): personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, personal data revealing political opinions, personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs, personal data revealing trade union membership, biometric data (where used for identification purposes), data concerning a persons sexual orientation. For example, if the claimant has corrective surgery planned for the near future which would be expected to significantly impact their level of ability, a review at a point following the surgery might be appropriate. The advice given by the HP on prognosis will help the CM decide on the type of award. The aim of this measure is to reduce the impact of repeat assessments on claimants and on APs where a decision can be made by a DWP CM. 1.15.14 In cases where claimants have a named third party as an appointee, this could be due to the claimant being unable to manage their own affairs as a result of a serious mental health condition or cognitive / learning disability. How are mental health and money worries linked? He requires significant support from his carer and his needs are only likely to increase due to the progressive nature of his condition.. How to prepare for a PIP assessment - over the phone and in person A guide to answering PIP questions - OptimistMinds It is intended to supplement the contract documents agreed with APs as part of the commercial process, providing guidance for health professionals (HPs) carrying out assessment activity and for those responsible for putting in place and delivering processes to ensure the quality of assessments. Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind, or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. Safely: Can you do the activity without risking danger to yourself or someone else? His diabetes was not well controlled and he had become depressed. Some problems have improved, some have got worse. 1.6.71 If the claimant declines to give consent for the HP to contact their GP, the HP should make a judgement as to whether the situation is sufficiently serious that it warrants breaking confidentiality by telling the GP even without the claimant's consent. However, claimants must clearly indicate that they agree to the statement- for example by signing their name or ticking a box next to it. This kind of assessment is done by Atos or Capita based on your location in the country. You will need to contact the assessment provider and request a home assessment. 1.15.8 Should claimant consent not have been provided at the initial claim stage, it can be sought verbally by APs over the telephone. A written record should be taken of any telephone discussion seeking further information, using the claimants own words as precisely as possible. Once good diabetic control was maintained his mental health condition improved so he was not entitled to either component. 1.7.28 Where it is felt that this is still insufficient, the HP would be asked to contact the health professional the claimant has identified on the claim form, to obtain information in order to advise the DWP. 1.8.9 Exportability cases are identifiable by the fact that the claimants address will be outside the UK and there will be a PIP2 (exp) with the case. 1.7.25 Should the HP fail to obtain an unequivocal answer to whether the claimant is terminally ill or their prognosis, their advice to the CM must be founded on the balance of medical probability, which should if possible be evidence based. 1.15.5 UK GDPR defines special category data, and if consent is being used as a condition for processing the data, the consent must be explicit consent. If the HP notices that a claimant is covertly recording their consultation, the restrictions above should be explained to the claimant. The claimant must not be assessed if they are on their own. Hi Zoe, I had my PIP telephone call last July and I have only just won my case. The DWP will send you a letter once they have made their decision. If capacity has been lost then the expectation is that the claimant would be accompanied. All HPs undertaking assessments on behalf of DWP must be registered practitioners who have also met requirements around training, experience and competence. This advice applies even if the claimant maintains that they suffer from a high level of functional impairment it is medically improbable that this is the case and a consultation is unlikely to add much useful additional information, since the clinical examination is likely to be unremarkable, there is strong evidence on which to advise on the case and a consultation is likely to be stressful for the claimant (for example, claimants with autism, cognitive impairment or learning disability), the claimant questionnaire indicates a high level of disability, the information is consistent, medically reasonable and there is nothing to suggest over-reporting (examples may include claimants with severe neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, dementia, Parkinsons disease, severely disabling stroke). Report: Once your assessment has concluded, they will produce a report explaining which PIP descriptors apply to you and explain their reasoning. PIP telephone assessment questions was created by drummer53 I have a telephone assessment tomorrow and I've been through all the guides but can find anything about what to expect in a telephone assessment, like what questions they ask or how they trip you up. This companion can be someone who can assist and care for you such as your friend or family member. hi everyone, had a pip telephone call at 10.30 this morning at 11.35 I was talking to myself the assessor was gone,I rang pip to ask what was going on only to be told I've got to wait 5 days then ring them back as my case had gone back into the back office but if I wait by my phone the assessor will ring me back,I waited . 46. 1.14.4 In most cases it should be possible for CMs to identify those cases where a claim has been made for substantially the same physical or mental health condition or range of conditions. 1.7.13 In SREL claims, HPs are required to advise on: whether they consider, on balance, the claimant is or is not terminally ill under the prescribed definition. It is not intended to cover all the requirements placed on APs as part of the PIP assessment contracts, their full business processes, or work carried out by DWP to monitor and manage AP performance. Discussion and questions: The Health Professional will ask you questions about how your health affects your everyday life. 1.6.69 The HP has a duty to protect the confidentiality of the information obtained during the consultation. 1.4.7 Where necessary, HPs may also seek evidence from professionals by telephone. If a claimant has been in contact with DWP and has threatened self-harm or suicide, information about the incident will be included in the PIPCS Medical Evidence screen comments box. Simply use the buttons below to share on your social network. Simply use the buttons below to share on your social network. 1.6.32 The HP should be making informal observations and evaluating any functional limitations described by the claimant from the start of the consultation. 1.4.3 If a claimant presents further relevant evidence during a consultation which is not already on PIPCS, the HP should always consider its relevance when completing their assessment report. With regard to requests for personal information, APs should: only ask for what they need, and should not collect too much or irrelevant information, protect it, storing both clerical and electronic information securely, ensure that only staff who need to have access to the personal data in order to undertake their work should have access, not keep it longer than the required retention period and periodically review the data you hold and erase and anonymise when no longer required, not make personal information available for commercial use without the claimants permission. You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all of the following apply to you: For all incoming calls the callers identity must be verified. 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Valid reason: they will rearrange your PIP medical assessment, Non-valid reason: they will refuse your claim. HPs should give consideration to the fact that in cases of complex conditions, knowledge and involvement of the GP may be limited, with specialist practitioners potentially better placed in some cases to provide useful evidence. The AP then conducts the assessment, gathering any further evidence necessary before providing an assessment report to DWP. 1.10.9 The HP should select the No box if they consider it likely that the claimants health condition is likely to improve or that they will adapt to the point that there will be no or a very low level of functional restriction for example, someone with osteoarthritis of the hip who is expected to have a hip replacement in the next few months where a full recovery is likely in a relatively short period of time. The physical exam will only involve you performing simple movements, if relevant to your condition and within your capabilities. She Has A Condition Called Cerebellar Atrophy, and Also Suffers From OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). If the claimant has difficulty socialising and planning and following but is sitting securely in their home on the phone during assessment, it stands to reason the decision making will be compromised! 1.2.4 The HP may also be asked to provide advice to the CM on a range of other aspects of a claim. HPs should remember that prognosis can be uncertain and if in their opinion life expectancy is, on balance, likely to be less than 6 months, they should advise accordingly. Claimants who ask should be reminded that it is for the DWP to decide entitlement. 1.5.5 Although each case should be determined individually, the following types of case should not normally require a consultation: the claimant questionnaire indicates a low level of disability, the information is consistent, medically reasonable and there is nothing to suggest under-reporting, the health condition(s) is associated with a low level of functional impairment, the claimant is under GP care only and there is no record of hospital admission. How do I pay for private treatment and therapy? PIP Assessment - what to expect - YouTube 1.6.63 If it is only the claimants personal data that is being recorded then there are no restrictions on the use the claimant can make of the recording. The 2019 PIP rates were: For daily living- Standard rate: weekly rate of 58.70 and 8-11 points required. For urgent help, please see Help & contacts. If they refuse, you can complain to the assessment centre, DWP, or ask your M.P. The purpose of the reconsideration is to try and resolve disputes without the need for an appeal. 1.7.3 The criteria for SREL claims set out in legislation are that the claimant: is suffering from a progressive disease and death in consequence of that disease can reasonably be expected within 6 months. 1.6.46 If the claimant is unaccompanied at a consultation, the HP should consider whether a chaperone would be appropriate during any examination. The HP must record the telephone conversation in their notes, indicating who has given that person the authority to speak on their behalf. It must be the claimant who attends any consultation.