Because vaccinating those most responsible for the transmission of COVID-19 may save more lives than vaccinating those who are most likely to benefit from the vaccination, The following is overheard in a coffee shop: C. Determines its duty according to reason, i.e. On our platform, you will find the collection of the best ethics exam questions and answers. Who would agree without qualification? Gay-Williams thinks that natural instincts are a guide for determining whether an action is right or wrong. (There is only one option): Why does Moore think the naturalistic fallacy is a mistake? Without it life becomes a constant struggle of intrigue : Quiz: Can you pass this ethics and morality test? We're curious to know if are you well aware of ethics. Act with integrity, behave in a trustworthy manner, elevate service to others above self-interest, and promote high standards of practice in every setting. Modern medicine offers dying patients unprecedented levels of pain relief. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards. Ethical situations are always black and white. Ayer, the sentence: "Stealing is wrong!" Are about intentions, not consequences ENMGY E-00059-15-O Series1 Ethics - 1 CPE hour for a score of at least 70%. Raja Halwani argues that sexual desire is inherently morally suspicious, but is not inherently morally wrong. On the alternate track, however, Kenny is in a similar situation, and if the train is diverted he won't be able to free himself in time to avoid being killed. The statement regarding ethical training is" It is formal training for creating awareness of non-appropriate behavior & for practicing the appropriate responses.. The goal of ethics is to search for truths in order to be a better person . Which of the following is a potential positive consequence of harassment? Does not take the main question of ethics to be the naturalistic status of values and obligations. G. E. Moore thinks "the good" is definable. Foot disagrees with the idea that motivating reasons can be based on knowledge of what makes for a good human being, not just on desires. Cantal Asia? Active euthanasia relies upon killing; passive euthanasia relies upon letting die. Harassment starts with someone who often fails to consider how his or her actions and words may impact others. CONCEPT Benefits of Philosophy and Ethics 3 Kevin has thoroughly researched whether artificial intelligence can have free will. If an act is legal, it must by definition be ethical. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle of free enterprise or capitalism? Correct answer: False. If a company fails to meet or beat the earnings target set by corporate analysts, what is the most likely outcome? Philosophy defends what is traditional in society. In general, clients' interests are primary. Even when people cannot afford adequate health care, their rights haven't been violated. He should look for an individual who embodies virtue and then imitate this person, much like an apprentice learns from a master of some skill, It's possible that someone would have to choose between performing or not performing an action that could lead to serious harm to a friendyet each choice could involve the same two virtues in contradictory ways (for example, one choice could privilege the virtue of honesty to the detriment of loyalty, and the other could privilege loyalty to the detriment of honesty). Make sure to consider all stakeholders including: employees, shareholders, customers, vendors and unintended bystanders. One way we might reject Gay-Williams' argument from nature is by showing that not everything that sets us against our natural inclinations is wrong (like brushing our teeth). The correct answer here is B.Ethics seeks to define good and bad. According to Ross, we determine our actual duty: C. By weighing our prima facie duties against one another through 'considered reflection', Eudaimonia is best translated as "bad demon.". He asks to be given a lethal injection so that he will die sooner rather than later. Suppose a drug-user is a bum and exhibits antisocial (but non-criminal) behavior. or Employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethically. "No one can prove that a fetus is not a person from the moment of conception. Which of the following is a benefit of philosophy? Natasha agreed that if she were in that situation, that outcome would greatly please her. The 2021 update includes language that addresses the importance of professional self-care. ), and which by its chemical nature affects the structure of the living organism. B. The view that tolerance is objectively good contradicts the central principle of cultural relativism. The idea behind __________ is that in any society, morality demands that people receive what they are due (what is fair). According to the doctrine of double effect, would Vinnie be morally permitted to engage the switch and divert the train to the alternate track? Answer these block 9 behave ethics questions in this quiz to test your knowledge and understanding of the same. normative ethical theories ultimately are grounded in reason. Question 1 5 out of 5 points According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of the following IS true about the connection between Rachels thinks there are important moral differences between killing (in itself) and letting die. But some philosophers say that this way of framing the matter amounts to, Suppose you are seriously ill and laid up in the hospital. It is important to determine who stakeholders are or who will be affected by the decision you make regarding a problem. All of the following statements about harassment are true EXCEPT: Sexual harassment is the least common form of harassment. True or false? Describe a practical way to prioritize the claims of stakeholders. Marquis argues that abortion is always immoral. Hume believes that reason can oppose passion. A. Which of the following is true about the formulation of virtue ethics expressed by Thomas Aquinas? Who said "reason is the slave of the passions"? Ethics provides the principles on which all decision should be made is true. Claim that morality is primarily about intentionally doing one's duty according to some rational criterion what was harriet tubman beat know for? A. While hiking in the rain forests of South America, Martina encounters a creature that resembles a human being but clearly does not belong to the Homo sapiens species. Suppose your friend Julie believes that it's possible for her to make mistakes on moral matters and that the culture to which she belongs can make also mistakes about morality. Place a check ()(\mathscr{)}() in the blank in front of each sentence in which the subject and verb agree. Which of the following is not one of the classes in Plato's state? According to Halwani, someone might think that fungibility is morally wrong because it is like treating people like pens or paper cups. Quizlet Ethics & Social Responsibility Quizzes. Singer believes we share what important interest with animals? What level of school-matured youngsters experience the ill effects of this disorder? He filed a lawsuit against the surgeon claiming he provided sub-standard care. Who would agree without qualification? Then, circle the word or words the adverb, adverb phrase, or adverb clause modifies. It is deeply reflected in formal laws and regulations. What is the length of the IPv6 datagram header? Ross thinks 'the right' is a different concept than 'the good' -- i.e. What conclusion should she draw based on this determination? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? To discourage you from action when placed in an ethical dilemma. According to Huemer, one alleged reason used by prohibitionists for making drugs illegal is that drug use gives the user unfair advantages in sports. Is the relation of every action to that legislation through which alone a realm of ends is possible I can't afford a 60-inch television, but no one is preventing me from buying one. Name the form of the following argument: If p, then q. p. Therefore, q. c.) Ethics seeks to define the good and the bad. Ethics governs not just the treatment provided to the research participants but also to the researchers. True The ___ has primary responsibility for ensuring the quality and timeliness of the goods and services in meeting contract performance standards. Which of the following is NOT a reason offered by Marquis for why abortion is immoral? Natural moral virtue because of sympathy. Believed that although people have lots of different desires, not all things are desirable Hume thinks that if morality were based on the real relations of ideas (reasons), then animal and oak tree activity would be considered moral and/or immoral. Alexei then replies, "Good. It means that moral judgments have a factual component that is capable of being true/false, and an irrational component that ultimately makes them neither true nor false. G. E. Moore thinks the task of Ethicists to: A. analyze and distinguish moral concepts so that we're clear what we're talking about. Be aware of the profession's mission, values, and ethical principles, and practice in a manner consistent with them by acting honestly and responsibly. Codes of ethics are used to communicate to and formalize sets of values for groups of people. Accountancy is the only discipline with a formal . A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values . B. A parent's guidance tends to be helpful and needed, and some young women have regretted having abortions, The pro-lifer can argue that Mary Anne Warren's view of personhood leads to an absurdity: if a fetus is not a person, then neither is a newborn. Which of the following is also a component of emotivism that would distinguish it from other noncognitivist views? The term deontology is derived from the Greek deon, "duty," and logos, "science." In deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. The handbook implies that a person watching others behave unethically probably could have a significant positive effect on the outcome by speaking up, so the best course of action is to speak up. Business ethics is the culmination of ethical values and appropriate business behavior. Ethics and morality are exactly the same. How might the destruction of the meadow reflect the impact of war? Ethics and Contrastivism. According to Milton Friedman, a company's social responsibility. Morality b. What are the grounds on which this challenge has been made? B. ", In a valid argument, if the premises are true, then the. This argument is valid. A person's ethical beliefs are affected by, Ethics Practice Quiz Questions And Answers. The Social Responsibility School b. Something can be both unethical and illegal. Peter Singer uses the "Principle of Equal Consideration" as a basis for his argument that we should change our standard animal practices. Which of the following is NOT true with respect to conceptual foundations of values or ethics? Our values, principles, and purpose are what give us a sense of what's good, right, and meaningful in our lives. If we say 'good' refers to a psychological state, then we'll never be able to settle debates about why we chose a particular psychological state as 'good', A thing is only good as a means to some other good end, the view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest, Decisions are based on what is best for the individual making the decision. A common reply to this argument from defenders of active euthanasia is that, although it is possible to manage even severe pain well, too often pain is not well managed, A key premise in the argument for active euthanasia is that the right of self-determination includes the right of competent persons to decide the manner of their dying. Which of the following is not a stakeholder? a.) Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Write CCC in the blank if the sentence is correct. One alleged reason used by prohibitionists for making drugs illegal is that drug use is harmful. Ethical reasoning often is more topical than law and reflects the changes in consciousness that individuals and society undergo. According to Halwani, fungibility is necessarily (always) wrong. XX Refuse to help your colleague and report his actions to an Ethics Officer at your company. Ethics is about determining what is moral and what is immoral. Is this: "like interests deserve equal consideration". Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. Which of the following is a reason to reject that premise? Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group. (Points : 2) Acting ethically is always easier than any other form of action. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Used by Michael Huemer in his defense of argument #3 to show that we have a right to use drugs. According to emotivism, when someone says, Lying is wrong," what are they really saying? The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Bachelor's Examination is a Licensing Exam that is administered to social workers looking to become licensed. Great Britain,France,Germany,Russia,Italy,Japan, Explain five reason why self examination is important. C. There are at least some people who have no sufficient reason to follow alleged moral absolutes. This is an example of, Consider this rule-utilitarian argument against legalizing euthanasia: Passing a law to permit active voluntary euthanasia would inevitably lead to abuses such as more frequent use of nonvoluntary euthanasia and unnecessary killing; therefore, no such law should be passed. The quiz is not only a way for you to test your understanding of ethics, but it will Quiz: Can you pass this ethics and morality test? B. Virtue accords with a rational principle and also has an affective dimension Every line of work has a code of ethics that people are expected to follow, and the quiz below is perfect to see how the knowledge you are when it comes to Not graded - Just for review and practice! It takes rules dictated by a normative theory and attempts to prescribe the right outcome for particular cases based on that theory. Organizer of family life b. It is wrong to assume that a person's right to life is stronger and more stringent than a person's right to decide what will happen in and to his/her body. XX A person is usually aware that others are doing things which are unethical. Do you think you can do that? Traditional theories often assume that the world consists of atomistic individuals with perfect rationality, Unlike Kant, who maintained that reason is all that is necessary for making moral decisions, feminist ethicists insist that emotion should play a role too, The ethics of care might be thought of as an essential element of virtue ethics, Carol Gilligan calls the approach to ethics that focuses on being aware of people's feelings, needs, and viewpoints, The principle of impartiality, which says that from the moral point of view all persons are considered equal and should be treated accordingly, is, alled into question by feminist ethicists, Judith Jarvis Thomson claims that her moderate argument regarding abortion, does not have the implication that a woman has a right to secure the death of the unborn child, With the violinist scenario, Judith Jarvis Thomson tries to show that, the mother has a right to defend herself against the unborn's use of her body against her will (a right to have an abortion), Mary Anne Warren suggests that being genetically human is the same thing as being a person in the moral sense. It thinks we must resolve ethical debates through scientific inquiry. Reread the Background on page 80 , and then think about the relevance of the time frame. Studies have shown that most young executives are not confronted by ethical business issues. Take this quiz and test your knowledge for the same. So, a fetus must be accorded full moral rights as soon as it is conceived. "The Good" varies according to our individual desires. This quiz covers Chapter 8 of your textbook and my lecture on March 12, 2013. and more. if something is for the weak, then it is wrong. Which of the following is the correct definition of passive euthanasia? x contracting officers representative x contracting officer All of the following statements are correct about COR inspection EXCEPT: . 3. All social workers should review the new text and . NAEYC recognizes that those who work with young children face many daily decisions that have moral and ethical implications. The following information should not be considered: It includes the new recruitment. Which of these concepts relates to utilitarianism? Some people act immorally after proper reflection.