Throughout his childhood, Kai was featured on many cereal boxes. He did escape, albeit taken by Cinder upon the Rampion. Cinder is usually the big spoon and Kai is usually the little spoon. Cinder then asks Kai to hold a meeting with the world leaders regarding the Treaty of Bremen. They kidnapped him and met up with the group on the palace roof. Despite her systems keeping her at a stable temperature, her metal limbs can get pretty cold and if she doesnt have layers she feels freezing. As the applications are sent out, New Beijing's Linh Cinder is persuaded to apply. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. However, Cinder tested negative for Letumosis. They landed in the Sahara, located in Africa. Believe me when I say that Princess Selene, even if she were alive, would be no better., Kai realized his arms were aching from squeezing them so hard, his skin gone white around his fingertips. She might have pointed out that they would only wear their dresses one time too. Being the emperor of the Commonwealth, Kai always places the welfare of his country and citizens before his own, to the point of willing to risk his own life and happiness in order to stop the special operative attacks on Earth and acquire the Letumosis antidote. Later, at age ten, he is seen with his dad and Konn Torin at a press conference, mourning the death of his mother. The stylists werent too happy about that. The group then commed Cress, an advanced hacker who worked for Levana. He can get angry very quickly, but is capable of self-control and overriding his impulses. The name "Cinder" comes from the original, In Greco-Roman mythology, Selene is the titan goddess of the moon, while her Roman counterpart is Luna. She felt for the prosthetic limbs in her lap and wrapped her hands around them. When they arrived at Michelle Benoit's bomb shelter, Cinder saw images of her burn marks as a baby and some of her history. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Erland to find a cure, but Peony ultimately dies of the disease. They saw Kai's announcement of his marriage to Levana once they got back on the ship. The group was able to sneak into the palace, turn off all video surveillance and set a distraction to avoid Cinder being spotted. Legally, Cinder belonged to Adri as much as the household android and so too did her money, her few possessions, even the new foot shed just attached. Kai intervened and Cinder glamoured him to calm down. Kai?, Her stomach twisted. Using his Lunar gift, the doctor made Cinder feel tired & safe as he persuaded her to not attack him. Kai is the most affectionate of the two. lindy's homemade ingredients . LitCharts Teacher Editions. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. I come up with a lot of misquotes. When he gets back Cinder holds him close as she listens to him talk about Rikan. So close, she could catch a faint soapy smell coming from him. Cinder then found symptoms of the plague (spots and rashes on the infected's skin) on Peony and she was promptly taken away by med-droids to a quarantine. She would kill him. is going to try to kill Kai and then brainwash the Earthens into following her. when does kai find out cinder is princess selene 05 Jun. On her cyborg hand & leg, where metal meets skin, is scar tissue, the result of the fire. Like Cinder, Kai faces decisions that can result in sacrificing his own life for what he perceives as the greater good. 16) Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?Kai. Something that may, or may not, be a glitch. Jacin was captured by Sybil and taken to Luna to undergo investigation for helping the Rampion crew. of people have fallen ill and died since. Kai takes Cinder to the edge of the farm property where they are able to gaze at the stars and proposes. The cut was still fresh where shed started to remove her ID chip before, so they would not be able to track her. Cinder then made a video for the outer sectors to show that she was alive and was ready to begin her revolution. Using her Lunar powers, Levana forced Cinder to put a gun to her own head, but Cinder's cyborg programming kicked in, counteracting Levana's manipulation. Im guessing you mean memories about each other, so Im going to do those, but also personality traits, because why not? Every morning, a new ID number was drawn from the pool of so many thousand cyborgs who resided in the Eastern Commonwealth. She tells them the blueprints to the device are inside Iko and Adri has full ownership to the distribution of the chip, leaving Adri pleased knowing this device will make Adri & Pearl very rich. Levana meets Cinder's forces outside the palace with a band of thaumaturges and quickly depletes Cinder's army. However, Channary died of regolith poisoning and her sister, Levana, took the throne. He also announces that he received the implant of the device to the media. 25) Who needs more assurance? She then manipulated Selene's nanny into lighting the room on fire. She thought about telling Thorne about her being Princess Selene, but decides against it. Michelle hides Selene in a bomb shelter where it is turned into an operation room. The pair decided to team-up as Thorne had a ship that would take Cinder away from the Commonwealth's military. I would never lie. The "rogue fugitives" flew into space. 13) Who reaches for the others hand first? Most of the time he does it to see if he can get a reaction out of her, a hint of red on her cheeks, anything. Fortunately for him, Cinder crashes their wedding and Kai wakes up from his unconscious state on the Rampion. 2) Big spoon/Little spoon? Their unnatural power had made them a greedy and violent race, and Queen Levana was the worst of all of them. When Cinder goes to the labs, Dr. Erland becomes angry that she came back to the palace. As a result, 16,000 Earthens were killed. Once Cinder learns that if Kai accepts Queen Levana's offer of marriage, she will kill him right after the wedding and coronation, Cinder goes to the ball to warn Kai. Kai seems to be extremely distressed by this as he actually likes her and feels betrayed, for he does not know if his feelings for Cinder are just her messing with his mind or real. tags: cinder, kai, lunar, prince-kai, selene. Cinder began training with Wolf, both physically and practicing her gift. Cinder doesnt like music on because it distracts her from whatever shes working on too much. Which one cuts the others hair:Neither. And maybe shed been right to do it. He often leans against the kids doorway and listens to her voice with a smile on his face. She was a horrible mother to Cinder and blamed Peony's and her husband's death on her just because she was there. You did use your mind control on me. He asks her if she would ever consider being an empress given her lack of desire for the throne, though she she says she "would consider it. Princess Winter took custody of her and Scarlet became her majesty's new "pet." The guard had never closed it. He was terrified and thought she might not make it, so the fact that she opened her eyes was a miracle to him. A shock of pain jolted up her shoulder and into her spine. A mechanic with no one to run to, nowhere to go. When Selene was three years old, she was thought to be killed by a nursery fire started by Levana, in order to claim the crown permanently for herself. The wires tore loose, like tendons stretched to the max. Kai then agrees to marry Levana in order to stop the attacks. He then meets her again with Dr. Erland under the impression of her fixing a med-droid. He also possesses strong leadership skills and gives a confident and self-assured vibe even in times of chaos. When Cinder escapes, Queen Levana is quick to blame Kai because of his feelings for her. She knows that doing so would make her the monster everyone fears shell become. After Kai left, the market was evacuated due to a baker in the marketplace, Chang Sacha, showing signs of Letumosis. It was made out to be some sort of honor, giving your life for the good of humanity, but it was really just a reminder that cyborgs were not like everyone else. Headcanon that when Kai announces on press conference that Cinder is pregnant, reporters are asking him all these questions and he starts fangirling with them about baby's gender and name. When theyre dancing at galas or balls hell lean in close and whisper in her ear, or hell say something thats subtle enough other people wont think its anything strange, but he said the same thing the night before and Cinder definitely picks up on what hes trying to do. It was a short kiss, tender and longing, and left her trembling to the core. At the beginning of the novel, Cinder was in desperate need of a. answer choices. Once Cinder learned that if Kai accepted Levana's offer of marriage, she would kill him, Cinder went to the ball to warn Kai. Im not sure I would label it a survivor, said Iko, her sensor darkening with disgust. A chill shook Kai from the inside out. Kai is known to be handsome; according to Iko, Peony, Pearl and about every female in the Commonwealth - Kai is the man of their dreams. He had no idea his wife had a fling with the emperor. Kai also has excellent leadership and speaking skills, having taught himself to write and give speeches at a very young age, although he says in Winter that being aboard the Rampion made him realize that he has no practical skills whatsoever besides talking, which is only useful in politics. Her father is unknown, due to Channary, who slept with many men. And he knew just where to start looking." marissa meyer, Cress. (including. Cinder then takes Kai to the bomb shelter where she was kept for 8 years to show him a piece of her past. That it was better them than humans. If she didnt try to stop Levana, what would happen to Kai? Also, she didn't want to be seen by Levana, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to by Adri, she was already planning on running away and she had no money for a gown. At the meeting, Cinder says that Luna will continue to produce the antidote, free imprisoned Shells and distribute the antidote to Earth. His father, Rikan, who died of letumosis at the beginning of Cinder, was the previous emperor. Shocked, Kai picked up her foot. The group, except for Cress, escapes to Wolf's old house which was under the care of Maha Kesley, Wolf's mother. She could send him a comm, but what were the chances he was checking them during the ball? No. She shook her head, fervently. As both a cyborg and a legal ward of her stepmother, Adri, Cinder lacks freedom in her life. The video of Cinder's trial then appears and shows the queen's true face, which left Levana stunned and the people able to break free from the queen's hold on their minds. But I feel like Cinder would like to sneak out and get food once in a while. He and Cinder begin their new relationship, having conversations and sharing many kisses (18 in total). It makes her artificial heart melt. While Iko was left behind, Jacin drove Cinder along with the antidote to the sector where they met up with a sick Scarlet & Winter. He learns the terminology, eats the bland food and wears the same uniform as the others. What was that about having a fantastic imagination? Kai reaches out for her all the time. He apologizes, starts pulling Skye along, and begins to leave. Kai is skilled in ballroom dancing as he expertly guided Levana & Cinder across the floor at the ball. Cinder's figure is too angular and too boyish, though with slight curves. If Adri and Pearl were her only family left, she would be better off alone. (While Kai quickly follows her over, telling Cinder not to cause a scene because the media will go crazy.) She did not die, but lost her left hand & leg, and was taken to Earth by Logan Tanner. If you mean physical I have those here at #6. [3] Kai takes Cinder and asks her to marry him, leading to a future together. Cinder then wakes up in a clinic with Kai & Dr. Nandez, a cybernetic surgeon who was flown in to fix Cinder. When theyre in teasing moods, theyll call each other Your Majesty. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Linh Cinder was thought to have been born on November 29, 109 T.E. Kai expresses his love for Cinder with words. Cinder's impulse to better society even at the cost of her own life affirm her as a true heroine. Squinting, she jutted a finger at the doctor. Id say its pretty even. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Selene was thought to be dead and Levana became the queen, as opposed to queen regent, which she was before Selene's "death.". Veronica died from the plague and Iyana isnt the type to go out of her way to go to any fancy parties/balls. Ask me about tlc and renegades favorites! Cinder removes a mechanical foot that is uncomfortable because the fit is too smalla foot she wore for four years. Kaito, known as Kai, is one of the protagonists in The Lunar Chronicles. Cinder is stubborn, but tenacious as well. They first met when he entered her booth at the marketplace at New Beijing Market, in the disguise of a gray hoodie to avoid paparazzi, to have his broken android, Nainsi, fixed. Kai is completely out of his element while aboard the Rampion. She was unnatural. Pain lanced through her chest, squeezing the air out of her. She wanted nothing to do with the child. She needs to find a way to fix the hover car so that she can attend the ball. He understood the mistake he would be making if he agreed to marry Levana. And who knows? PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. But not my little girl. An ironic smile twisted up his lips. Lifting her head, she looked up at the grate in the prison door. Cinder didn't find Michelle but found out about Scarlet, her granddaughter. Cinder is absolutely terrible at it, and often accidentally steps on his toes, but shell let him guide her along anyway. Cinder was used to having to get up early to go man her booth at the market. She is a viewpoint character in all four books and the novellas, Glitches & Something Old, Something New. Kai goes down to the garage and gets her when shes tinkering too late into the night. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs They then follow clues about Cinder, herself (aka Princess Selene) that lead eventually to Scarlet's grandmother's farmhouse. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. This time, there was no hesitation. Cinder had no recollection of her past life or of her time in the suspension tank and believed her parents were killed in a hover accident. Maybe it did make sense to use the ones who had already been tampered with. Levana informed Kai that she was a Lunar and that she wanted Cinder back to the moon to await a "trial" to which Kai refused. Levana releases him and begins to manipulate Scarlet. Cinder would later become the Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth. Search Works. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. When Kai is planning his wedding with Levana, he treats it more like he's going to his death as he becomes tired of the wedding preparations. lined up in the facility, with med-droids moving between them to deliver food and water. In Winter, his hair is longer and messier. Many of them had been given a second chance at life by the generous hand of scientists and therefore owed their very existence to those who had created them. The doctor injected her with tagged Letumosis pathogens and waited for them to take effect so he could give her a test antidote. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Her skills are hinted to even surpass Levana's, which is partially why Levana both loathes and fears her. The draft. Cinder thinks its tacky, but Kai thinks its sweet and she deserves to be remembered. Cinder is the protagonist of the novel. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. When Kai woke up and found Cinder, he was upset and angry at her, but she explained her reasoning behind the kidnapping as well as her being Princess Selene, the true heir to the Lunar throne. All six Earthen Unions claimed war on Luna. Dr. Erland also informed Cinder that he had discovered her to be a Lunar shell as well, which upset her. If he finds and reinstates her, then he will not be forced to marry the evil queen. Cinder kissed him in an attempt to stop him, but it didn't work, and Levana only laughed at her. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Its not much of a choice.. Kai frequently came to Dr. Erland's wing to see if there was any progress in finding a cure, which was none. The girls then lead Scarlet downstairs where the house is transformed and Scarlet's friend, milie, has arrived. The charges on Thorne are dropped and they give him a lease on the Rampion. Kai then asks Cinder to tell him all of her secrets, from her synthetic eyes to her retina display. In early drafts, it is said that Cinder hates cooking. When Selene was three years old, she was thought to be killed by a nursery fire started by Levana, in order to claim the crown permanently for herself. On the day of the wedding, he was reunited with Cinder. Selene was placed under the care of Michelle Benoit in a bomb shelter underneath Michelle Benoit's farm which held Selene in a suspended animation tank for eight years in order to keep her alive but unconscious. While discussing their plan, they discover a Lunar sector is infected with the mutated form of Letumosis spread by Princess Winter but caused by Levana. She was only allowed to rule until Selene was thirteen, so Levana came up with a plan to kill her. My mental stability, my psychological health, my very senses are failing me because l refuse to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of those around me. Cinder wet her mouth. 14) Who kisses the hardest?I I really want to say Kai. Cinder is forced to kill several soldiers and glamour them. Kai, the entire bloodline, every last one of them has been greedy, violent, corrupted by their own power. When Selene was eleven, Logan started her cybernetic surgeries since he was going insane from Lunar sickness. Garan died from Letumosis a few weeks after adopting Cinder, consequently making Adri Cinder's new legal guardian. When Kai pulled away, still holding her close, she found herself unable to breathe as she stared up at him. When the rampion crew is around, Throne will make gagging noises when they do that. Unfortunately of the exes I made up for Kai, I think the most likely one to pop back up in his life (at the peace ball or somewhere else) would be the worst oneSkye. He has startlingly copper brown eyes and was described to be quite tall, having to bend down a good bit to be at eye level with Cinder, the first time they met. 6) What is their favorite feature of their partners? Wolf reveals he planned everything, knowing the publicity surrounding their wedding was irritating Scarlet as he wanted her to be happy. Cinder accepts and they kiss. Someday.". Their conversation leads into an argument and results in Cinder shooting him with a tranquilizer dart. Even though it was confirmed by the med-droids that she did not contract the plague, Cinder believed that she must have passed the plague from Chang Sacha, as she was taken to the quarantines earlier, to Peony. Maybe she had to run. Does peony live in Cinder? Erland grows excited and immediately goes to the room in which, Kai also notes that there have been rumors that. They like calling each other by their names because from anyone else it comes with a title ahead of it.