And this blog is where I share them all in one. Again, thank you for taking the time to write. !HOW ARE YA??? Courtesy of Lindsay Wolf. If you want me to wear the heels today I'll stay home! Got my left ear pierced when I was 35. subject of my fantasy. by Budge27 Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:15 am, Post I did my last set just today and plan to do my 10th next week. I''m the same as Ephem no earrings, friends don''t have them, and FI doesn''t like the looks of them. Thanks for the comments. You made me laugh tonight..and I knew you would. After all, they're made to touch your most intimate regions, what could be so uncomfortable about three inches of padding squishing your chest into your rib cage and a literal string between your legs? It is a big deal, and it exposes your crossdressing desires just a bit to the world. ronnie: Oh hahaha. Well, my sis was on a dateI had 8 sisters. Although I havent tried the magnet approach myself, I imagine it is quite possiblethe magnet can dislodge without your knowledge. !Hey listen, if the truth be toldI can't offord the REAL stuff either!I actually worked for Chanel for 6 years, and we had a Chanel boutique in the department store that I was located in. We have a 3.5 year old and a 15 month old. And a damn good job he does for 19 month old to do. NEVER! When I switched jobs a few years ago, I didn't wear earrings to the interview, but after checking out the dress code, I started wearing them on my first day of work, and I received no negative feedback. But i also love to wear some nice little ones with pearls or a little flower, with some glittering stones in it or hoops, there are so many styles one can wear, i think i got 200 or more pairs and love them all. *you can't see me, but I'm blushing!OMGyou're comment about some of the men you know who wear earrings and women's panties.CRACKED ME UP!!! "You can't leave Theresa with just one ear pierced.". Worse than that, his genitals were quite hairy and this looked far too masculine. Theres no doubt about it. Many consider longer earrings a younger look. Thanks. I workedas makeup artist for the company. coming up, I decided to buy certain items, and parcel them up as a present to The wire is straight, just like a stud, so it is easy to put through your piercing. So it isnt the society that is holding you back, its yourself. Thursday night, I played with my photo over at Picnik and added the ear bangles!I think I look like Cher, don't you?HAHAHAHAHA!Ohthat's so funny about you and your sister trying on your mothers negligees and pretending to drink WINE!! by Newly Pierced Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:16 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Talk about the latest trends, Your fashion disasters, other peoples fashion disasters. On his return in the evening he puts on lingerie as soon as hes in the house. Thus we have the Cuchini, a device for the ladies designed to hide cameltoe when they're wearing bathing suits. by carlotta Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:04 pm, Post by Brian 2 Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:00 am, Post For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Recently I had been thinking about wearing them again, mentioned it to my wife and told her that I was going to start wearing my earring again and I was going to get the right ear pierced. It may sound odd to stop doing something you love just because your spouse disapproves, but for my husband, earrings are a complete turn-off . I understand it if you are reluctant to have your ears pierced! are not expecting any visitors today, so you can wear them all day. In my opinion, the hooked earring is the greatest in a feminine look, and that look needspierced ears. I think they look lovely with the right dress, maybe i gown or a cocktaildress, but even with every day skirts and dresses they look nice, at least i think that Husband Dare To Wear A Dress. Wearing a stud on the right ear may mean that a man is homosexual but this notion is fading fast. by Clyde5412 Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:58 pm, Post The sliding spring backs are made for lightweight hoop earrings and have an adjustable spring to fit all ear shapes. He has tattoos, but I actually love the tattoos. Post Thank you for your support of The Crossdresser Report! My new earrings are still in place and Im pleased to say not going anywhere. the entire list of tens of thousands of hook earrings, Selecting a Corset A Crossdressers Guide, Learning to Walk in High Heels: Stability First, Learning to Walk in High Heels: Increasing Strength, How to Wear a Corset for Crossdressing The Crossdresser Report, Videos for Crossdressers - The Transition Channel, Crossdresser Shopping Trip with a New FriendSami's Week, Epilation for Crossdressers: How to Get Those Smooth Legs, New Crossdressing Blog: The Crossdresser Report, How to Wear a Corset for Crossdressing - The Crossdresser Report, Finding Crossdresser Shoes: Your Guide to the Perfect Fit, Alluring Crossdresser Earrings - The Crossdresser Report, Kandi's Land - Check Out Her Crossdressing Blog. and I will never call you ronnie again, promise! Did You See February 2023's Jewels Of The Weeks? wife to want to present herself in a sexy corset and be under my control. Most men don't care much about fashion; the responsibility that comes with being a husband appears to cover their mind and puts them off other interesting areas of life. I am 16 years old, french nad have had my both ears pierced a yaer ago. Every piece is very carefully made, and comfortable to wear. think it ridiculous and laugh at me. I guess at 62, I am doing it for me, I look on the younger side, more like 50. So one night he wore a pair of my jeans to work. I always found this surprising because my wife wears multiple earrings. He was tempted to get a bar across the top of his ear when he was about 20 but he never got it done in the end. Piece of cake and a candle *** NG gift***, Find Beautiful Engagement Rings, Earrings, and other Jewelry, Search and Compare Diamond from Top Jewelers. That happened after I asked him to pierce them. Over the years, I have had a variety of reactions from people. I really like the look as does my wife. I know it was a joke that I had him try it on, but wow he looked great. I have had my ears pierced for over two years, and I have yet to have a negative remark. "Cathy, I can't wear my heels outside, they are only for the apartment." "John, get real, first you love those heels, and second your figure demands high heels, trust me you will look stunting." I slipped them on, and wow, they really put my walk in a different swing. "Come on, Mom," she said. What is the one article of womens apparel that you most enjoy wearing? Hello Minion99, so glad to hear that all is going well. The verdict: Ear cuffs are ear cuffs, not earrings. But SIL is back to her busy busy busy world of career and children and activities and more activities and hasn't a care in the world about it all. My wife, who I love dearly, has been hinting to me for years now that I should get my ears pierced. hesitantly explained. Please feel free to browse my categories. Now tell me did you ever do anything to get back at sis? "I like the idea of the corset. Oct 27, 2019 - Gender reversal for the modern day man. by MetalEd Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:54 am, Post I think I am trying to punish you now that you mention it. Nope. That was a terrific story from your childhood. Go for it. We are on our own and If you want me to go with you you'll let me wear a pair of my flats. I once got a fake Ferragamo headband. Here are a few examples of hook earrings available on eBay, or click to see the entire list of tens of thousands of hook earrings. My god, to be not even two years old and able balance himself in heels, is AMAZING! It is possible to find hoops that are clip earrings. by Footman1 Wed May 24, 2006 12:15 pm, Post by Kd7b Mon May 14, 2018 8:28 pm, Post When en-femme (thats the term, I think) he will do anything for me. LOLOLOL I'd say you look pretty darn cute and sassy in those dangles. Since my boyfriend was sitting there when I tried it on, for fun I said you try it, perhaps its more your size. ?I've been offline for most of the day, because I wanted to spend the afternoon walking around outside in all this FREEZING weather we're having. His face dropped when he saw If you arent aware, you can also lose your earring. If you are going to pierce your ears, do them both. Unfortuately I have let them grow up because of work but the other day my wife came to me and asked if I would get my ears pierced again. Sometimes the little attachment starts to get loose. DH is so not the earring type. being a male with some fantoms, I choose to transform me in femme while my wife, who's quite discrete choose to fake a Lady Gaga style. You are using an out of date browser. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. My husband is very feminine in his looks and maners. I had been wanting my ears pierced for a long time and when my wife and I were married almost 9 years ago she told me that I could get my left ear pierced so I did. I have your blog on my blog list too!OMGI actually DID catch my sister doing MANY things when we were kids, but I never told my parents. by longstayer Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:36 pm, Post by Yamaharley_UK Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:30 pm, Post My husband wears his wedding ring all the time, hasn't taken it off since I put it on his finger on our wedding day 2 years ago, but I know a few women who's husbands choose not wear one, It would make me feel upset if my husband didn't wear his. okay like this one time one of my sister's b/fs called for her but I said she was on a dateooops. This is why it is very difficult to find clip earrings with very small decorations. It feels like being injected with a needle while in the doctors office. I'm 'venting' too much. I was 17 when I first pierced my ear, it was actually a cartilage pi*r*i*g, I took that out after a day, then around 18/19 I had my ear lobe pierced and again took it out after a few days whilst on holiday and this went on for a few years until last April. So get exploring! married for eleven years to my husband Alex, who is a scientist in a well-known They gave us a TREMENDOUS discount 3 times a year and even with THATI still couldn't see spending the money on a Chanel leather wallet!?! And there always will be those who like men's earrings, and those who do not like them. or went for one and came out with 2? She said thats fine. !my son used to play with my make-up - many around me freaked out about it - I thought it was fabuloushe was artistic and curiousyears later he told me he did it because he wanted to be like KISSand my response was - "I know, shame - I was hoping you were gay"he doesn't know what to do about me ;), Hi Crystal Chick!Thanks dear friend.I was actually thinking of asking you to be an earring model for your Etsy Shop! But back in the early '80's I had a pair or two of stone-washed 'baggies' in a very blue blue color and another in a brown with some rust stripes. I had talked about my interest to my wife for years - she sort of seemed disinterested or said "well if you want to". I was confused. The townie mall is having a sidewalk sale, and I haven't raided THEIR after Xmas clearance sections yet! So for a while I've told Alice that when I'm in the house her clitty and pussy has to be permanently on show. HOLY SHIT Dave!! *grin* Ya missed me, didn't you?Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! They will either fasten by some other means, such as a magnet behind the earlobe, or they have a wire that runs under the earlobe to the back of the ear. And Ron, who's the dearest, sweetest, most wonderful son, brother, father and husband is STILL dealing with these silly family issues that pop up. I am glad you are enjoying The Crossdresser Report. I saw no unsavoury Brits with football shirts and beer bellies, but plenty of different styles including earrings for (straight) men. That is why i added another set to my both ears three months ago and wore two gold hoops in each ear. by Kd7b Mon May 16, 2022 4:05 pm, Post Some hoops even have detailed engravings on them. If the earring is heavy, it is more likely to fall off. There is no extra cost to you! They also allow you to set the mood for your face. by LeatherWendy Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:26 pm, Post It''s some weird freak of nature thing because I''m ultra conservative. The most obvious reason that stems from childhood is rebellion. But if I see the fake Chanel stuff from Korea at the swap meet again, I'll pick up some clip-ons for ya! And what's REALLY coolis that they eventually found out on their own anyway! There was a problem. !ooooh..oooohand how hysterical of you to tell your sisters boyfriend that she was out on a date!! Unfortunately, my wife has never been receptive to the idea. It is so feminine! Good Evening Dearest Gypsy-Heart!OMG!!!! These are more likely to get caught on something. I had a bad infection in my earlobe. Women by nature are cautious of their look, and this is no exception to a crossdresser as well. On his first birthday, my son Everett wasn't very concerned about the presents we gave him or the new clothes his extended family gifted him. collar and handcuffs. So I had my husband wearing dresses, skirts and tights. Just imagine what you did NOT catch your sister doing all those years! Absolutely everything about him just makes me melt. He wears his plain platinum comfort fit band and a Tag Heuer watch. My husband has always been slim (we're both the same height at 5'6). Scooba Shiny_Rock. It's best to laugh through ityes. LY! Here are a few choices for hoop earrings to consider, or click to see a full listing of hoop earrings from eBay. The only jewelry he wears is his ring, never a necklace, bracelet, etc. Does anyone else have a feminine boyfriend or husband | QUESTIONS | CATEGORIES | BLOG | PROFILE | Login | Register | ASK QUESTION ?My family has it too.But hellit makes for AWESOME blog posts, doesn't?? wear no skirt at all, just stockings, shoes and blouse. At my office, however, this was dressed up for casual Friday. I havent counted but would guess I have about 100 pairs. As a crossdresser, if you are new to the joys of earrings, please follow me through your introduction to the many choices you can consider! You can have just about anything hanging from a hook, from the whimsical to the long and sexy. We are talking about me getting my belly button pierced. Lets face it. the contents. !Hugs from France, Leesa. !Like I shared on my comment on your blog last nightYOU ARE FREAKING BRILLIANT!! JavaScript is disabled. Most women in their right minds wouldnt be seen dead with a man with ear piercings-you know it makes sense. I must I KNOW you'll find some great deals!! Dear Coleen: Is it wrong that I've been sleeping with my ex-girlfriend's sister? Female Empowerment and the Rise of The Gentlemen Escort. He got a call a day or two later from him saying that he should not be wearing my jeans to work. No, my guy''s style is very conservative. No noesnevah! It was a set of jewelry, consisting This just seems so common lately, I thought I''d ask some of the girls here. Monica takes the time to learn about you when you're commissioning a piece, and it always . Nope he has no piercings at all. I would have planted an atheletic jock in my sister's pocket as my mother was about to do the wash. Then who would turn red?So you wore mother's earrings when you were small we all did that my friend. Sep 20, 2017 at 5:17 PM. Your email address will not be published. Now my earing is gold and I love it. And we do. Even people who dont like earrings on men have largely gotten used to the sight. I must say after a while these style of earrings do pinch and become annoying. One of the most famous . I think an earring has to fit the personality of the guy, and then it looks good. This is one case where the pierced versions make vastly superior crossdresser earrings. After being would come when you were willing to wear a corset. He has dresses, skirts and tops, but mainly just wears the lingerie. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. hehehehe.Oh and you must have looked so very wondeful with them onand I say your sis was a tad envious that the ear rings looked so much better on you than on herafter all I'm sure she was rushing in thee to try mom's earrings on too. I used to be the same, I had always wanted my ears pierced since my teenage years and every single time I had them pierced a few hours/days later Id take them out. Did You See February 2023's Throwback Thursdays. He said it reminded him to be creative. The only jewelry he wears is his ring, never a necklace, bracelet, etc. A couple other guys actually started wearing their's afterward too. It has become socially acceptable for men to wear small earrings, which means that the bigger earrings definitely get into the feminine styles. by Guest Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:33 pm, Post Two hoops of about 1 inch. Don't miss resident agony aunt Coleen Nolan's weekly newsletter. My husband has started cross-dressing and his routine is much more full-on that I ever expected it'd be. Log in. 3) Fashion Hauling videos (stay tuned) 4) Being my side-kick on The Pulse Network (and being interviewed by Butch Stearns) But I wasn't prepared to see this scene of my husband. He and I both have very conservative, classic style, except for this one thing. by suzzie76 Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:59 am, Post You are about to enter a website that contains content of an ADULT nature. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. My last few hols were taken (in reverse order) in Lake County FL, Capri, Maleme (northwest Crete) and W. California various places down US1. I love, love, love long crossdresser earrings! All of the action is behind your ear, so you cant see what you are doing. by Clyde5412 Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:46 am, Post However, there are a few things to keep in mind with longer earrings: Having said that, I think everyone should at least have one set of longer earrings if nothing than for wearing around the house when you are in the mood for that brushing against your neck. by msluna Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:13 pm, Post In this article, we look at men's fashion, specifically everything you need to know about trendy and .