Of course it wound up being longer than The History of Rome wasthis is how I run my career, apparently. I have got to get everything out of me before the flood waters come open and swamp us, and we get picked up by the monks of Leibowitz. I would like to say for the record that I think it is happening, and that I think that humans did it. Everybody is going to make the statements about Trump that the Democrats now make about Reagan. SOME THINGS ARE UP TO US AND SOME ARE NOT | Robin Waterfield. Mike Duncan on History, Revolutions, and the Future, subscribing to our magnificent print edition. Wait, are you asking if its the end of history, Lyta? And when Im listening, I tend to oscillate really widely between hope and despair, because there are all of these different groups of people who. | David Comfort SECRECY AND ESOTERIC WRITING IN KABBALISTIC LITERATURE | Jonathan V. Dauber. Probably the greatest meme that I have seen going around in the last year or two is Moe throwing Barney out of the bar. Carl Heneghan (@carlheneghan) January 30, 2023. Mike Duncan. And this guy is making immigration policy in the United States of America. I always find myself in this situation, because people want to talk to me about history, and you just see people go ashen faced by the time Im done talking to them. There is no guiding hand here, it does not exist. It makes this stuff feel less like disconnected history that leads inexorably to this moment and more like, Holy shit, its always been a mess, and things can kind of happen at any time.. Theyre just going to strike it all down as unconstitutional, and then where are we going to be? We have to keep people out. Its a chunk, but not an enormous amount. The shifts happened because, We used to be able to grow wheat here, and we cant grow wheat here anymore. There are diseases that start getting introduced into this. I imagine that takes some work to try to present this stuff in a way that is not I mean, I dont know; how do you do that? Even predicting the Silicon Valley bubble is going to burst at any point, and then it could be this huge problem. On the side he is a full time debt lawyer. This is a thing that I do actually believe. Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Mike Duncan, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc. Every season of the podcast, Mike focuses on one revolution. So, those things can and do happen in human history. Why our society is actually running the way it is. Mike Duncan. I remember when Barack Obama was elected president, that was basically the end of racial divisiveness in the United States, and we were now launching a new ship of a multiracial democracy that was going to sail into the sunny waters. You just think that it all must have taken place, as you said, in some very short amount of time. Is there a historical precedent for that alternative? Mike Duncan is an American political history podcaster and author. A year later, Mike launched another podcast Revolutions. See More by this Creator. But its a worthwhile question: are revolutions in the future going to look like revolutions in the past? And if youre going to study Cicero and Seneca, you have got to learn about the Roman Empire. But in the last few years, the term has made a . I feel like this is just a universal fact of life. But I do think that history is one of those things that people should really have inside of them. Mike Duncan. Well, thats the funny thing about being in the middle of a historical eventyou have no idea how its going to turn out. We have to lock it down. A lot of them have good intentions and theyre working toward good things, and then heres the way that all of these things just go wrong and dont work out, and people end up killing each other over extremely silly differences of opinion. By Mike Duncan. Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ??? Favorite. Thats part of what they want to be doing: talking to each other about very specialized things. Especially when you can already see how much panic is sparked by just little, teeny changestheyre talking about refugees from Honduras and Central America being like the Goths. The following transcript of their conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. Few people have done more to make history interesting and accessible to the layperson as Mike Duncan. Revolutions takes deep dives into the world's most momentous political revolutions, from Mexico to Russia and beyond. If youre into, again, small d democracy, or youre a small d democratic individual, which I consider myself to be, the degree to which the Republican Party is embracing anti-democratic talking points is really, really, really, something. Browse Mike Duncan's best-selling audiobooks and newest titles. Its all of the piece. I do not think I was. We did it! THE HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN: DIVINE REASON OR FAITH? Great. Its also a perfect square, kind of, yeah. Ch*ngona Revolution. Plus, you just have to talk about the CIA a lot for anything after Russia. I actually enjoy reading those articles. But I very clearly just laid out something that I would like to happen. Its incredible. People have accused me of being a doomsayer. Well, a little off topic, and a little depressing, and also out of time, I think. So my degree was political science with a minor in philosophy. The Roman Empire survived the Crisis of the Third Century. Its pretty close. Or that you start hoping to accomplish something, and then its a bit by bit thing, where everyday you do a small course correction and a small course correction and you do something in that day for that moment that you feel like you have to do. Is this an intentional thing that you are doing? Its not universally true, but its often very siloed from popular education, and its these very little JSTOR articles about a very specific topic and that kind of thing. Episode 000: Introduction. I was honored. Mike Duncan: [00:07:21] But getting back to the fundraiser each T-shirt is thirty five dollars. Oh, I love the Oregon Trail. No, no. To have a sense of how long humans have been at this. Thats something that youve really done a good job of avoiding, and I really appreciate that. This is the downfall of the prophet, mystic, and the sage theory, is that it does not deal well with people who are just full of shit. There have always been people out there who want to fill in that role between what is going on in the universities, and what the general public is actually able to learn. 659 episodes totalling 313 hours, 54 minutes. History is usually a mess of people whose motivations are running into each other. Joshi also charts the development of criticism and scholarship on Lovecraft, from the fan magazines of the 1930s onward. I hoped that it did not, because I think that its not so much great men do great things that change the world, so much as these are human beings who are close to the levers of power, and the decisions that they make do in fact have a rather large impact on the societies within which they live. Comments. Its Mike Duncan whos joining us. Because there are plenty of times where these same sorts of problems pertain, but theres nobody out there who is looking for it to be something that they can play to their political advantage. July Revolution 7. But those guys, those guys think that they are going to interface with Fibernetics and upload their consciousness to a cloud and beam themselves to Mars so they dont actually have to worry about any of this stuff. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting.Duncan's ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions that have . Known for. English Revolution 2. I think that were watching it happen right now. Theres a generation who has, let us say, been in power for a significant period of our lives who should probably be relinquishing power by now. But then if you actually start poking them a little bit about the details of what actually happened during the French Revolution, who did what when, that is a part that starts to get real fuzzy for people. And I also want to ask if youre willing to talk about your personal politics, although I know that every side of Twitter has a project of projecting their own politics on to you. From the start of the United States, there was a tension between liberty and slavery. Theyre saying that its good that the president received three million fewer votes than his opponent, and that is what the Founders wanted because they were afraid of democracy. But Mike's superpower is his storytelling skill. Although, they have got compounds in New Zealand. I do think the modern Republican Party should be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Like, not even joking, that is a real debate that leftists are having. Yes. 87 Following. Media. ago. 4.8. download 1358 Files download 6 Original. And it made me think about the events from their viewpoint, instead of working backwards. I havent ever written this up, but I do have something resembling a manifesto for a new society in my head, that I think would be really important. So, I do think that there is a connection between debt and the finances of an empire or a kingdom or a republic. Especially if you say that what we understand as revolution, the archetypical picture that you have in your head of what a revolution looks like, really gets going after what we would consider to be the Renaissance. I mean, even a lot of Napoleons career is built around mistakes and luck far more than him having some genius plan and pulling it off. But that is what it is. And then my concentration for political science was political theory. The thing I do get accused of, though, sometimes on Twitter, is that people think that I doomsay because either I enjoy it on a psychological level, or I think it plays well to an audience. I do think there is an alternative strategy for dealing with all of this that will maybe see us come through it. Oct. 29 Newark NJ @ New Jersey Performing Arts Center. These are: The same judge who in 1991 sentenced the Kansas City, Missouri, man to life without parole plus 200 years for . Or will we just have revolutions in a different style? There are these particular dynamics. ISOCRATES OF ATHENS | Jon D. Mikalson What's Revolutions about? However, theyve been quite successful at holding onto the levers of power at all costs and forcing through policies that are not actually that popularthat are in fact quite unpopular and are not representative of what the citizens of the United States of America actually want. I am truly not 100 percent qualified to answer some of these questions. You mean the people in history are people? What was going on with Louis XVIand also what was going on, for example, with Charles I in England when he went off and started the Bishops Waris that the guys who had the money realized that they could use this to leverage the monarchy to their own personal, political advantage. What I was actually studying in school was a lot of political theory. That a revolution is a very discrete, quick, violent event. What is their motivation? The Upcoming American Revolution. What I think has often been lacking, and this goes back to what I feel like my role is here in the popularization of history, is that people often lack a kind of barebones narrative of what happened. Its a really fun way to teach history and a really fun way to absorb it for people at home who are just interested amateurs, who arent in school studying and dont have JSTOR access. This is not some kind of dry, neutral history. And its looming, it could happen again at any time. And so that is how I wound up carrying it forward. It could have gone to some of Louvertures way, it could have gone Andr Redouts way, it could have been that the British actually wound up conquering San Doming and reimposing slavery and San Doming becomes a British colony, or it could have re-fallen to the French and gone back to being French, but then its going to be under Napoleons rule. Highly recommend Revolutions by Mike Duncan . Here is an episode index for his fabulous The History of Rome Podcast. The first question I want to start with is: why did you pick revolutions as a topic? Alright. We have two missions: to produce the world's first readable political publication and to make life joyful again. Because Im coming out of this, Im a white guy from Seattle, Washington in the 21st century, so the society that I grew up with is going to inform my worldview on all those fronts. And so theyll listen to The History of Rome and theyll be like, This is great, this guy must be one of us.. iHeartPodcasts. Teresa Garrett. The hero of this drama plays starring public roles in the American . I got into podcasting after a couple of things happened at once: 1) I discovered history podcasting back in 2007 and started devouring every show I could find 2) I was simultaneously reading a ton of old Roman . Oct. 5 Seattle @ Town Hall. So, when I talk about this stuff, I often talk about what future historians are going to say about such and such an event. We have to abandon that mentality entirely. . Right? And if we can get the Duc dOrlans in on the throne, then hes going to want to bring in a British-style constitutional monarchy, which is going to elevate landowning and banking class into some kind of parliament where now were going to be able to call the shots. And the Duc dOrlans is happy with that because he just wants to go watch racing and gamble. Right, that is 100 percent true. Five hundred years is not that grand a chunk of human history. Theres also a book out called The Storm Before the Storm, which is about the Roman Republic. Let us begin with Carl Heneghan, who clearly states he is an Unlisted Author for Conly's Cochrane Study: We included 11 new RCTs and clusterRCTs (610,872 participants) in this update, bringing the total number of RCTs to 78. They need to manipulate the greater power that rural whites have inside of the American electorate, compared to other groups of people who live in cities or the suburbs. So, theres some hope that if something resembling a democratic backlasha small d democratic backlashcan happen and finally swamp the ship and send the modern Republican Party to the bottom of the fucking sea, then maybe we can have something that is good in the future. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. Stick to Facebook. The Cry of Dolores. This is like a game that I like to play. He says that the project of liberty and equality we fought for will never be complete until we've eliminated African slavery. ISBN: 9781541730342. New Revolutions Tour coming in June 2014! That sort of vein. The past was a lot messier than we tend to imagine, and the future does not look promising. But that has really been one of the themes of all of these episodes about revolutions: nobody sees them coming, and then they erupt, and then they unfold. McGahee Lesson 36 Revolutions. But that was not actually the question, and I do understand that. What the banking class is saying to the sovereigns is, If you dont call the parliament, were not going to give you any more money.. But I can analyze it from a historical, political perspective, and everything I said I do believe in. I do actually think there was a climate shift aspect to what happened in the third century. And I am somebody who believes that climate change is real. The podcast examines these world-shaking events' contexts, motivations, and outcomes. Something like that. As a historical researcher he's come a long way over the course of Revolutions, never mind History of Rome. IlliterateJedi 5 mo. As you know, Capitalism In Crisis focuses on the past, on the causes of the crisis. This does seem like its becoming a bit of a trend. You can tell Mike is passionate about the subject and makes its exciting. And that took some amount of time. Books will be distributed the night of the show only. George W. Bush. Haha, I can tell. He is the voice behind the award-winning podcasts "The History of Rome" and "Revolutions". Do you think its remotely likely that well move more toward an open borders, more accepting society? When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the . We cant be rock. Every other week our editorial team brings you a mixture of discussion, analysis, and whimsy. So, if that puts me on some side of some debate that I dont know anything about, hi friends and hi new enemies that Ive just made, I guess. Right? But, and as you just said, as long as you keep moving around and talking about it from the perspective of Louis XVI and then from the perspective of Robespierre, and from the perspective of Lafayette, you can cover most of your bases. pulp magazines and then, after his death, in book form by Arkham House and many other publishers, including hundreds of translations in more than thirty languages. So, to your point, I think when we look around at what is happening these days, it is impossible to ever plant your flag on something and say, Oh, well that was the end of that, or This is the beginning of that. I think that we, in our own timesI speak even as a historian who has some experience with looking for places to plant flags and dividesay, Oh, this is when it started, and this is when it ended, and this epoch divides from this epoch. Even in the modern world, we have no ability to figure that stuff out. . Jesus Revolution; John Wick: Chapter 4; Kiki's Delivery Service - Studio Ghibli Fest 2023; Knock at the Cabin; The Land Before Time; . He started with The History of Rome (the topic of his interview with Dan on Addendum). Give Orange. He . 9.02. Were super excited about this guest because Sparky and I are huge geeks, and weve been fans of this guy for a long time. There was one called The History of Rome, which is finished up and is excellent and really, really worth getting back to. I mean, this is Auschwitz stuff, this is On War stuff. I think that there are two ways that we can approach this as human beings. There is something that you really need in terms of historical perspective. Thanks, Mike, for joining us. Thats a great term. Mexico. But then inevitably theres going to be nine wise old ones who have the final, final, final say. And please remember I will post one giant bulk order after [00:07:30] all the orders have been taken. Tweets & replies. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world. So were not offended. Youre talking about revolutions. Join us in celebrating the paperback release of Mike Duncan's book Hero of Two Worlds! "Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution" out now! Apparently, Ive just made a lot of friends and enemies at the same time trying to answer why it is that Louis XVI went down when he did. I do like what Marx said: that history is made by men, but they do not decideI botched the quotebut they do not decide the circumstances within which they make their history.