Pressure has been significantly buffed which gives Testament a much more threatening corner presence that's almost comparable to Ram. Pre-emptively filling space to stop dashes is something Ram will have to do quite frequently but has to be done with low recovery moves or else ram will be whiff punished, Saving your swords in neutral will make it easier for Ram to catch Gio's movement, Ram should try to not whiff her long range normals as it makes it easier for Gio to close the gap. It's also good to note that Baiken players are extremely abnormal humans and will find zero issue with using gun super as a full screen whiff punish in a last hit scenario. However, the short range of the first hit, the high knockback of the second, and the forced Wall Break in the corner makes this difficult mid-screen and impossible in the corner. Holding any upward direction during the hitstop of a raw, charged Dust Attack on hit will activate Homing Jump: Initiating a Homing Jump will put the opponent into a unique air combo state, resulting in an Area Shift. A projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground. As both hits are overheads, during air dash setups it is possible to cancel the move into j.D to land early and 2K instead, which makes for a mix-up that is fairly hard to see. On air hit, it can combo into specials that lead into additional follow-ups (such as the first hit of Bandit Revolver or even Gun Flame in the corner) or it can combo into Bandit Bringer for a hard knockdown if it hits high enough. The two I found were Chipp against Pot and Pot against Doctor Who. It doesn't matter if she bodies all the lower tiers if she loses to the top tiers. Do one of 3 things on reaction during a forward empty hop: FD if there's a Rensen below you so that Up-Rensen isn't plus after it pulls you to Axl, Air dash or land and dash if you jumped over a winter mantis/2H, Block a 6K/2S/5P, get pushed back a bit, and reset. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. Has the shortest total duration of any of Sol's grounded normals and also hits crouching opponents, making it useful for stuffing slower pokes when approaching at closer ranges. Due to her poor anti-air game and amazing air game, air approaches are used to move around more freely and punish frugal usage of pokes and H Kabari. Vote for Leo's tiers . The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. His damage is good but not great. Ideal combo ender and potential extender. Sol also boasts a set of versatile defensive moves that complement universal defensive mechanics. It's way too much work for one person. Delay its follow-ups to create oppressive frame traps and mix in dash pressure and throws for a deadly strike/throw mix-up. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own.s, and Kabari at longer ranges. Useful in air combos for comboing into j.H or directly into j.D when both hits of j.H won't connect in the corner, delaying as necessary to adjust Sol's height relative to the opponent. Follow-up knocks the opponent away on hit. The attack launches higher and deals more damage at full charge, launching even higher on Counter Hit. It's risky but can work. Walk back Far Slash and jumping away can work well. In the case of 2H, this is faster than letting the move recover by itself. Proper conditioning is a huge part of Sols gameplan. Instant BlockA special type of blocking done by inputting a block immediately before blocking an attack. His Slash normals become much better when he's at high blood to compensate for the fact he can't utilize specials as freely when he's at high blood. c.S has the most gatling and cancel options of all of Sol's normals, making it very flexible within both blockstrings and combos. Can throw the opponent either forward or backwards. Concerns: 12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. Hes the best overall balanced character in this game vs the rest of the cast. Playing Anji Mito oftens requires high-risk, daring decision making to make his kit work against his foes. Maybe it's cause of May's fast jump arc? Sol Badguy vs. Ramlethal - 18. As for pressure, Ky's DP (Vapor Thrust), though it exists, is not amazing, and not particularly difficult for Ram to deal with, and Ky's pressure is not too scary, especially if Ram has meter. If you get knocked down and she sets up a Yo-Yo, you'll have to hold the mix. [[GGST/ May|Overview]] | [[GGST/ May/Frame_Data|Frame data]] | [[GGST/ May/Matchups|Matchups]] | [[GGST/ May/Strategy#|Strategy]] Return to Top, Frame Data Counterstrategy Reverse Matchup [1]. A percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 Answer Axl Low Baiken Bedman Chipp Zanuff Dizzy Elphelt Valentine Faust I-No Jack-O' Jam Kuradoberi Johnny Kum Haehyun Ky Kiske Leo Whitefang May Millia Rage Potemkin Ramlethal Valentine Raven Sin Kiske Slayer Sol Badguy Venom Zato-1 Click [] for character's full frame . Dashing forward in small increments to force Anji into Hiiragi or 5P Abare range is also recomended. Testie has a deceptively good j.H jump in that Ram needs to keep an eye out for. Discord: (if preferred): It is integral to watch for Chaos' bullet amount and concentration, as they are extremely important to his gameplan. So happy to see that program finally get some use, I've been waiting years hoping to see it applied to more games. The Clean Hit deals absolutely massive damage, so it should be used to end combos whenever possible. Ground bounces on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Axl will likely attempt to reset to neutral over extending pressure sequences. Almost always abbreviated to TK. If Chaos uses Concentration or Reload, you can attack with 623P, 214P, or j.214S at short to mid range. Pay attention to the opponent's meter to determine when to be wary of YouzansenGuard:HighStartup:9Recovery:Landing+7Advantage:-14 (TK) in her mixup. For example, conditioning the opponent to jump, attack, or backdash upon seeing certain attacks opens up opportunities to punish these responses. Now, I am not much of a programmer, I am just starting and not that confident in my abilities. Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 28F (airborne 1~11F, standing 12~28F, can block 19~28F). This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. Avoid using moves like f.S and 2H to attempt to escape or counter this type of offense. Very close to being an even matchup but it's spoiled by Ram simply being more consistent and having an easier time getting her win condition. The lower the tier, the weaker the character. Enables a meaty Gun Flame setup if you delay the special cancel to avoid the OTG window, and leads into a full combo on Counter Hit. Sol has tricky special moves which help him get in, and a suite of normals which . Keep in mind that Fafnir's slow start-up means that using it in neutral presents a certain amount of risk of being counter poked, especially by the opponent's 6P. Use it to steal momentum against poor okizeme and predictable pressure. This lets Baiken approach more easily than a lot of the cast, and forces Axl to commit to pokes that have longer recovery. Builds 1000 Tension once all damage is dealt. Damage changes with each set of 8 active frames. 12k matches is a lot, and 100 matches PER MU is not bad. Cannot Roman Cancel unless the opponent is in hitstun or blockstun. This can be combined with dash momentum to cover large distances extremely quickly. His fast normals and DP can give Ram some trouble even when she does get him to block, and Chipp himself can have some really scary mixups in the right situations. This move mostly gets used as a combo part after c.S since it launches the opponent high for easy follow-ups with Bandit Revolver or a knockdown with Bandit Bringer, and occasionally as a big anti-air against characters that can stall their fall like Zato with Flight. It's obviously subject to change, but right now, what are the matchups that you most struggled with. It's also a bit more complex than Guilty Gear Strive. That means that a person that is willing to fight a certain match up does that knowingly. Sol Badguy - 4.9. Nagoriyuki - 5.6. Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action. Overall, Gold has to work a lot harder than Ram does but Ram still needs to know that he's not THAT far off from being able to take her down. Remember that the longer you block, the higher the Risc gauge will be, which in turn makes any stray hit from Axl do a ton more damage. Please keep in mind that while c.S is +3 on block, it is functionally +2 (5 frame gap) if staggering into itself due to gatling limitations, as Sol needs to have recovered for at least one frame before he can use c.S again, or you will cancel c.S's recovery into f.S. 32. Vote for tiers. You should be gaining ground when you block it, not getting pushed back. Using the data that OP collected, I attempted to put it through a "metagame analysis" that Alex Jaffe went over in his GDC talk from 2015, as seen in the following video. He's too fast, period. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. This attack is Sol's best point to use Roman Cancels in most combos. If anyone else here is interested in this, please check out the code Alex Jaffe wrote here: Anyways, running the code on my own, this is the chart that I got from it: (Sorry in advance for the axis labels!). For example, if Sol has 15% popularity the top 150 players are counted. 5[D] is also Sol's most damaging normal and launches the opponent if combo'd into, granting it some situational use as a combo extender in certain routes. Thus, if a Roman Cancel is available to make it safe, avoid only using it after the second hit. On hit, you can Red Roman Cancel to perform a follow-up combo, and not shifting the Roman Cancel or shifting it upward will allow you to dash underneath the opponent and switch sides again. A very well-timed jump attack on a character who is rising from a knockdown. This is just a small project I took on out of interest. Anji does have a projectile in Shitsu, but sending it out in neutral can be nullified by Tatami Gaeshi before Anji can act again. The hard knockdown leads into strong okizeme, including OTG c.S into pressure in the corner, though it can be sacrificed in exchange for even more damage with an OTG 6H (useful for closing out rounds). This is Sol's highest damage OTG, though doing so will sacrifice okizeme and leave Sol vulnerable, especially in the corner, so only do it if it will close out a round. Vote for May's tiers . 14 comments. Thus, it can be used both as a launcher and a grounded combo part depending on input timing. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. : 14 different dream interpretations related to the / and /bet you see in your dream. Since Hiiragi can punish a lot of her blockstrings, threaten it and force them to structure their offense differently. Combining both dash momentum and kara cancels allows Sol to slide a huge distance forward but remain safe as the flame pillar travels with him. Combos into 5H as far as near max range or 2H at close range. You can pretty much do what you usually do on offense, except you'll need to watch out for his crawl shenanigans. The number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. - Difference between the tier scores from today and . Combos into 6S on crouching opponents and links into c.S on Counter Hit. This move and the 236K it canceled from are considered one multi-hit attack. Playing neutral vs Nago will include a lot of dash blocking because dude loves to just swing that sword. Properties change if Roman Canceled before all damage is dealt: Reduces positive R.I.S.C. 24. If he values his life at least. There are a ton of interesting results that can be seen from this. Potemkin - 5.8. This is because she loses to Sol and Chipp, two of the best characters in the game. He has access to j.HGuard:HighStartup:12Recovery:25Advantage:, a fast overhead that combos into j.DGuard:HighStartup:10Recovery:22Advantage: for large damage against the wall, but this normal can be parried, even at the maximum height of the move. Sol has some of the strongest defensive tools in the game. Press J to jump to the feed. It's even possible to perform a safe jump after hitting Bandit Bringer on an airborne opponent by doing a forward jump IAD into delay j.S. On Counter Hit, the ensuing ground bounce allows Sol to link into Night Raid Vortex at close range for a follow-up combo or 6S at any range, although 6S's combo options are limited mid-screen without Tension. In the corner, look out for his tick throws when he utilizes, There is something unique Faust can do on defense, to deal with Ram pressure, he can crawl under. Combos into 2D for a hard knockdown. When he whiffs something like, Business as usual, watch out for Nago doing. High reward on air hit or Counter Hit, leading into Gun Flame (or Gun Flame (Feint) on Counter Hit) followed by Night Raid Vortex for good damage and corner carry. Overall much harder than your usual Ram matchup, but not unwinnable by any means. Blazing! * Proration: Forced 75%. Extremely powerful combo tool in the corner thanks to its high damage, good scaling, and wall bounce. Please keep in mind the matchup chart is subjective and not all players may agree. I spent one month straight learning I-No. . Ramlethal does have really high reward off successful hits, more so than Millia, though she will struggle to get those hits more than any other matchup, except possibly Chipp. Vote for Ramlethal's tiers . (Ares granting Kratos the power to slaughter the opposing army, Asuka giving Sol the Flame of Corruption to resurrect Sol) but would seek revenge after gaining consciousness . The amount of Tension gained when the move is input. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 04:05. His pokes are good on block but have enough recovery that one whiff is usually enough to close the gap. Often safer than 6S as a gatling, requires a slightly longer delay to frame trap with. Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 33F (airborne 1~19F, standing 20~33F, can block 28~33F). Ending a combo with it allows for a safe jump setup (backward jump j.P into air dash j.H). Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. A lunging gut punch. 6P the dolphin so you can use rekkas to get your hard knockdown. An easier MU for Ram due to the fact that her normals control a large chunk of space. Ram can always use her Mortobato super between rekka ( 214P) 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd hits. It's not reliable to try going for these though. this move removes on hit. Counter Hit state during recovery until landing. Sol's faster strike invincible reversal. A lot of her Yo-Yo normals have hurtboxes that extend beyond the hitbox and Yo-Yo itself, meaning that you can abuse your disjoints to punish her lack of some. Delaying and slightly changing your buttons and timing can throw off the other ram and can lead to whiff punishes. What does the symbols of / and /bet symbolize in a dream? Essentially, by running the matchup data through the code that he wrote, you can get a projection of how much each character should be expected to be played in that game's meta. Privileged 3 frame normal that does it all. Sol leans forward and slams his sword into the ground. But some people in support of -STRIVE-welcomed lowered difficulty barrier for newbies (in the series . Good for frame traps as most light normals can cancel into it and immediate cancels leave a very small gap in blockstun. Alternatively, you can cancel into 6S for a frame trap, although 6S will lose to 3 frame attacks and trade with 4 frame attacks. Credit: Arc System Works. The safest option is attempting to jump out, but it can be predicted and punished. Axl. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 is a fast-paced, anime-style fighting game that has captured the hearts of many gamers around the world. Nago's neutral is completely dictated by how much blood he has. Low hitting disjoint used to help control neutral. Legend. Be ready to fuzzy a lot when she's on you. 03 Mar 2023 23:47:00 . Key tool in frame traps, leading to some of Sol's highest damage. Moves forward about one character length at no charge to fullscreen at max charge. Best Match. How much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. 6S can be kara canceled into any special move. I haven't been running from fights and usually opt to fight characters I know I'm terrible against with Zato (see: Axl, Chipp, Sol, etc. Ram easily out ranges Jack-O, push her to the corner and kill her, she can't easily escape. While he does do an obscene amount of damage off the right hits, and while he can call her out in neutral, Ram generally has the upper hand. As Ram, avoid using f.S and 5H, because Millia can easily stay outside their range and just get in when they whiff. Arc System Works added Goldlewis Dickinson as the first DLC character in Guilty Gear Strive. Yo, I did the same:, I have slightly different data, but this could be tipping errors. His immense damage output massively rewards hard reads. The move is also key to Sol's pressure, and it can be said that Sol's goal on offense is to get the opponent to block c.S. Its vertical range and fast recovery makes it a low risk anti-air, and in some cases is more useful than 5K, being easier to utilise on Counter Hit for short burst damage conversions into Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. Hits twice. Zato players like to sneak in his command throw but learn to recognize the situations they do it and be ready to beat him up for 90%. I don't understand what makes that matchup positive for Anji. How much R.I.S.C. This is Sol's only fully invincible reversal, but the first hit has poor range and the entire attack is unsafe on block or whiff. Will lose to any attack before the super freeze but will not waste any Tension in doing so. Has high damage and incredible disjointed range, albeit with somewhat slow start-up. Once Baiken has successfully closed the gap, Axl is prey to her devastating Strike-throw and high-low mixups. Try to keep Axl locked down as tight as possible as any escape will lead to more RPS in neutral which can end badly for Baiken. sweep that can slip under many attacks. The time before an attack is active including the first active frame. This makes him extremely dangerous in scramble situations, allowing him to escape through small gaps in pressure (such as the 4 frame gap in Ky's 5KGuard:LowStartup:7Recovery:6Advantage:-2 > 6HGuard:AllStartup:15Recovery:20Advantage:-7), and punish conventionally safe moves. 236S has a use in this matchup. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. Also links into 2K against crouching opponents, even at max range. GUILTY GEAR CHARACTER who has good neutral in more than just Guilty Gear. Sol lunges forward half-screen with a flaming straight punch. Has much better range than the animation implies, enough to hit from round start. Character Win rate Total usage; 25 %: 16: . On top of that, Ram has a much easier time dealing with dolphin RPS, meaning May has to work harder to actually get her hits. Most things Leo does round start loses to Ram's. Axl has lackluster pressure scenarios, but they are very well at avoiding Hiiragi, as they will be spaced too far out to recieve the damage. No Axl allowed everyone hates that mofo. Created by Daisuke Ishiwatari and developed by Arc System Works, "Guilty Gear -Strive-" upholds the series' reputation for a high octane soundtrack, groundbreaking hybrid 2D/3D cell-shaded graphics and intense . Due to the meter changes, he can get positive bonus and force you to take unavoidable chip damage if you don't use FD. At close range, 5K is an extremely fast knee with 3 frames of startup, making it Sol's fastest button and tied for the fastest normal in the game alongside Chipp's 5PGuard:AllStartup:3Recovery:10Advantage:-2. The hurtbox goes lower than 2D and does so faster, so properly timing this move can beat just about any poke whose hitbox doesn't reach the ground. If you let Baiken grab you, she can start to run pressure like. which can be used to challenge pressure, and 2D, a Low ProfileWhen a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. Goldlewis j.D is busted dawg that shit is actually so cracked lmao, Gold corner pressure that arguably rivals Rams. Long range and fast start-up kick used for air-to-air exchanges and for air dash cancel combos, normally off a successful anti-air 5K. Only use this if strike invincibility is desperately needed while in mid-air. Just be mindful that Chipp has. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. And Axl is the only one I have a decent chance of beating if I bump into a level 600 one. Sol steps forward and swings his sword. Best Match. It's 31 frames meaning it's very much reactable. The proportion of damage dealt on normal block. The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. Patient play is key, as Anji has the ability to turn any action around on Baiken if he detects sloppy play. You should only ever really use air dash in the MU on reaction when you see a whiff. She's better at getting in and pinning down an opponent rather than mixing them up, which I'm more comfortable with. That being said, f.S's pushback means that there are ranges where 5H will whiff. You don't like playing rude or bullying people with mids. It's good to go for something low committal like 6P when you're decently close to her since it has quick recovery and can counterhit Baiken's f.S. Bounces higher on Counter Hit, allowing the follow-up Night Raid Vortex to combo into c.S rather than 5K or 2K. Guilty Gear -Strive-Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2; Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R; Guilty Gear: The Missing Link; . This nets Baiken the screen space she wants while leaving Axl in an unfavorable situation. Baiken threatens her own offense heavily with HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:, meaning blockstrings that normally go unpunished such as 2D-Tatami Gaeshi and c.s-2H are now vulnerable to parry. Aerial approaches are risky, as Axl's normals have even more dominance against aerial opponents. Above her head floats a cracked yellow halo. While the round start can feel Baiken favored, you can bait out her Far Slash and play around her 2H. Kratos vs Sol Badguy (God of War vs Guilty Gear), connections in the comments . Thus, it is a very committal attack that should only be used in situations where you know it will hit. Thanks Daisuke. Its pulled from a small pool of data, while its cute to look at this match up chart shouldnt be taken very seriously. It can also be used to guarantee plus frames after a blocked j.S, but the pushback will weaken Sol's pressure afterwards. What are the worst matchups in Strive at the moment? This is a primary way to escape Baiken's H Kabari RPS situation due to its range and speed, but will lose to the followup. Works on: Sol, Ky, Axl, Chipp, Potemkin, Zato, Leo, Nagoriyuki, I-No, Goldlewis, Baiken, Sin, Does not work on: May, Faust, Millia, Ramlethal, Giovanna, Anji, Jack-O', Chaos, Testament, Bridget. Usually improves frame data against blocked moves or gives more meter than a normal block or both. . Sol assumes the same stance he uses for Gun Flame, but doesn't fire a projectile. Hard knockdown on ground hit or Counter Hit. Matchups. The M&M&C will kick out Axls and Goldlewis can have a better route to top. Its +3 frame advantage, wealth of frame trap cancel options, low pushback and especially its significant R.I.S.C. It loses to throws, so try to only use it if the opponent isn't at point blank range.