Also, you can explore how the actions of characters dont occur in isolation theyre almost always interrelated. The other thing that the texts diverge on is the relationship between parents and children. As they are ostracised by the community, a lack of care and support is shown through the rejected and deteriorating theatre. 52 Monologues for Grown-Ups (And College Kids) A collection of funny, dark, and disturbing monologues by award winning playwright Daniel Guyton. 20 ribeyes for $29 backyard butchers; difference between bailment and contract. He doesnt run over when he sees her. In the play, settler-colonialism is a big one. Thus, before analysing Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 thriller Rear Window, it is important to consider its cultural, political and social context: As the blinds roll up to reveal the apartment complex, a medium shot of the wide-open windows of each apartment immediately convey to the audience an environment of an uncomfortable openness. Her priorities have now shifted, and the celebrated cake tradition in the workplace, one that is at the centre of several conversations, is no longer to significance to Liz. Unlike other prompts, the How positions you to focus more on the authors writing intentions. John Monologues. Whereas Lewis claims, without love, the world wouldnt mean that much. If you'd like to see the sample A+ essay we wrote up for this essay topic, then you might want to check out our A Killer Comparative Guide: The 7 Stages of Grieving & The Longest Memory! Don't forget to also check out Our Ultimate Guide to Oral Presentations for everything you need to know for Oral Presentations. 4. This trickles into contemporary institutions (widely understood patterns, rules or structures within society) which perpetuate these dynamics of race and power, such as the police and the media. Lewis later discovers that Lucy and Nick are having an affair. Side note: The 'Writing in Context' component fromthe old syllabus has been semi-integrated into 'Reading and Creating'. They believe in killing or chasing away anyone who undermines their power. Nowra uses his unfaithfulness as evidence of the indiscriminate nature of infidelity it is not restricted only to women. This is the onlypart of the new course where you have the opportunity to experiment with your creative writing skills. Cos also is a piece of metatheatre, which Nowra achieves through structuring it as a play within a play. Act 1 highlights his uncertainty and distance from the world of the asylum. Whichever is unclear and left up to interpretation. In the novel, family ties are also important. Drink some water and give your brain a break. Lewis is faced with a seemingly impossible task to bring order to the chaotic world of the asylum yet in the process of doing so, he develops hugely as a person. Purpose: To explore meaningful connections between two texts. The crowded Greenwich Village apartment complex of the film acts as an effective narrative device, as Hitchcock employs the physical proximity of the apartments to reinforce the overwhelming sense of voyeurism and paranoia amongst neighbours. Using this jargon regarding travel, Skrzynecki reminds readers of the many miles migrants often have to travel to reach Australia. These "fighter phrases reveal Lizs anxious mindset, as she imagines a world where her son is almost in the wilderness, every man for himself, as though its the survival of the fittest - and which Liz so fearfully express, not that theres going to be anybody with enough time to notice that Daniel needs help, is not an environment where Daniel belongs. This close shot of a destroyed, seemingly irreparable camera, literally reflects the cyclic nature of broken dreams characteristic of Greenwich Village, and also signifies that Jeff too has been hurt (literally) by radical pursuits in his progression. Returning to work after maternity leave. Should children be allowed to roam unsupervised by their parents. In doing so, he critisises traditional perspectives of sanity and insanity and instead encourages his audiences to consider the complexity of madness., The question of what is real or an illusion is weaved through the patients state of mentality. Through participating in the play, which is an illusory form of reality, the patients are able to explore their views on love and commitment. The smell of the place, thats what throws her, the scent of it all, adult perfumes, air breathed out by computers and printers and photocopiers.. For a detailed guide on Text Response, check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response. we can see how much Lewis has developed by comparing him to Nick). This contrast also helps Lewis to come to terms with his valuation of love over war, which is at odds with the common opinions of his society. It is clear that both Napoleon and Macbeth are powerful leaders. Contention: agree to a degree - caged in & intelligent BUT not symbolic of women in general, Body para 1: how she is caged in - marriage & infidelity, exiled by men, not given choice, Body para 2: intelligence - outsmarted Creon & Aegeus (manipulation) - intellectual superiority over Jason, Body para 3: not symbolic of women - demigod &sorceress - filicide - deus ex machina, Research the places referenced in Skrzynecki poems such as Mt Warning, Dont just analyse the poems individually, try and see the big picture and apply the overarching themes. There are several poems set in graveyards or in Europe where Peter questions his knowledge of where he came from, and his sense of connection to these people and places. Some monologues may not be suitable for children under 17. To fully understand this text, youll need to move beyond analysing characters and dialogue and consider Nowras main messages. Cherry tells Julie (after she's kissed Lewis), "Kiss him again and I'll break your f*cking arm." Henry grabs Nick and squeezes him after talk of the play discusses women being unfaithful. For others, they may willingly refuse the truth and succumb to an illusion. Have questions? Despite its desolation, it is in the theatre that Lewis feels safe to grow and develop. Cos is a play by Australian playwright Louis Nowra which was first performed in 1992 at the Belvoir St Theatre in Sydney, Australia. In Ibsen's A Doll's House and in Strindberg's Miss Julie it looks as if the women are mere objects. Good luck! For example, say my topic is Medea is symbolic of the intelligent woman caged in by the patriarchy, my plan might look like this: While that may not make much sense to you, as the person writing the essay it helps me remember what my key points are, which is incredibly helpful if you start feeling overwhelmed. Skrzynecki litters his poems with heirlooms such as watches, hammers and photos, often to illustrate how despite having these possessions Peter frequently finds that he doesnt know the full story of his heritage and his parents life. Nowra also uses the lights to represent the hope for change that Lewis brings to the patients, and vice versa. Avoid listing language techniques and offering your personal judgement on whether or not the article is effective in persuading you. Firstly, contextualise the quote in your essay and try to use it in your analysis in some way. Power-up your learning with free essay topics, downloadable word banks, and updates on the latest VCE strategies. This again further reinforces his role as a bridge between society and the asylum (and his connection to its patients), and he ends up embodying the role. The line between reality and illusion is explored through the characters who are labelled as insane as well as those considered normal. Nowra demonstrates that reality is unique for each person, and often people may slip into illusions in order to avoid the truth. Perfect for actors, students, and actors pretending to be students. The suburban setting ofRear Window reinforces the sense of confinement and suspicion rampant during the 1950s. The simile like a bird pecking automates Lizs actions in the workplace, as though she is doing it by switching to a mechanical form of herself. This is a representation of their modern beliefs that circulate around politics and war. Unlike Lewis, however, Nick views his relationship with Lucy as only sex, therefore suggesting his superficiality and lack of compassion., This superficiality is further shown through his obsession with the moratorium and his disinterest in Lewis Cos Fan Tutte. Stay positive and confident that youre doing the best work you can, and keep these strategies in mind to help yourself out of any sticky situations. Whats really interesting here is her description of the other children. Contention: Nowra encourages his audience to reconsider their perspective on the mentally ill by highlighting their capacity to not only change themselves, but enact change in others. Luckily for you, Cos is quite a short play and doesnt have a huge cast of characters. No, now I shall stay . 4. This explores the common experience where a patient feels defined by their condition and struggles to imagine/remember what life is like as a healthy individual. He criticises Lewis for prioritising theatre over politics, stating that only mad people in this day and age would do a work about love and infidelity. This suggests that what drives Nick is a desire to be seen doing the normal and right things, rather than an intrinsic belief that what he is doing is good. How To Write A Killer Comparative study guide, Compare the Pair- A guide to structuring a reading and comparing essay, The link between your contention and topic sentences in relation to the prompt, A Guide to Structuring a Reading and Comparing Essay. P3: Because of this, change seems more possible in the play, and we start seeing it happen towards the end, as the ice thaws and people, Bla(c)k and white, march across the bridge together. Her friend Margaret convinces her to pray to Jesus for answers. For the patients of the asylum, pretending to give electric shock therapy to others seems realer than kissing and stuff, whereas the opposite would be true in ordinary society. Clip description. However, Nowra also uses the theatre as a symbol of hope. Therefore, theres this sense that the peoples lives in the office remain unchanged, highlighting again Lizs alienation. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.. Should US anti-vaccination campaigner Sherri Tenpenny be allowed to give talks in Australia? But if youre not thinking clearly, youre probably not writing clearly. Language is also seen to hold migrants back as seen in Migrant Bachelor where a lack of a familiar language relegates a migrant to factory chimneys and punch card clocks which ask no proof of speech. Something went wrong while submitting the form. This struggle with language, both the disconnect and joy that comes with communicating and the opportunities it affords individuals, is essential in determining how one identifies themselves. Halfway through my exam, I completely lost my train of thought. Get in your seats. This is in contrast to later in the story when she is reunited with Daniel and is comforted by inhaling[ing] the scent of him again. 3. Area of study 2 - (Part II) Presenting argument. Lewiss views change from being discriminatory and stereotypical to more compassionate, and well founded. Reconciliation needs to include Aboriginal voices. His growth is used to highlight many of Nowras values on issues surrounding love, fidelity, madness and reality, just to name a few. He was known as Boonie (The 7 Stages of Grieving), 6. I literally saw the boy surrender to that whip (The Longest Memory). Cos is divided into two acts and nine scenes. Whenever you get a new essay topic, you can use LSGs THINK and EXECUTE strategy, a technique to help you write better VCE essays. Luckily, I was wrong about those essays. FEMALE CONTEMPORARY SCREEN MONOLOGUES Please do not impersonate the actor's representation of the below character in the film or television version. Once you know this, you can assume that each example you brainstorm has to be relevant to the specific character named in the prompt in some way. Its rarity is likened to the absence of womens fidelity, yet never male fidelity. SAC 1:Write an analytical essay for Text 1 (~800-1000 words). Copyright Lisa's Study Guides. At first, Lewis shares the same values as his friends Nick and Lucy - that love is not so important in the days of politics and war. The protagonist of Cos, Lewis is a new university graduate who has agreed to direct a play cast with patients from a mental institution because he needs money. In this instance, their desire for each other and the chaos that ensues is liberating for Lewis, as it enables him to come to terms with what he truly values. Here are my tips for staying on track and getting past any panic you might feel during your exam. Skrzynecki often uses places of transit such as train stations or hostels to showcase the uncertainty often experienced in a migrants journey. If you dont know your content by 9PM the night before your exam, youre not going to know it by the morning. I discuss all these themes in further detail in A Killer Comparative Guide: The 7 Stages of Grieving & The Longest Memory. For example, despite his sane status, he is mistaken for a patient by Justin, joins Roy in imitating electric shock therapy, replaces Doug in the play, and stands with the patients against Justin. Because of this, I walked out of my exam teary - I thought those had to be the worst essays Id ever written! Therefore, he subconsciously allows himself to be influenced by them, just as he influences them. Although seemingly insignificant, the brown tabby cat that runs across the steps of Greenwich Village represents freedom and individual autonomy, later comparable to the character of Lisa in the film. During the time he spends with the patients, however, Lewis experiences a turning point in his understanding and perception of people. The LSG's THINK and EXECUTE technique follows three steps in the THINK phase - Analyse, Brainstorm, and Create a Plan. However, despite knowing that she had gone mad, he reflects that she was still [his] grandmother. This, alongside his passion for Julie, enables Lewis to see the patients as people, not their illnesses. By the end of the play, Lewis learns to value love and friendship over war and politics, even stating that without love, the world wouldnt mean as much. This means that setting, structure and stage directions are all crucial, and make for a high-scoring essay. Rather than using specific techniques to frame your specific arguments, its best to use them as evidence to support arguments that attack the main themes/ideas mentioned in the prompt. Nowra considers many perspectives of love and fidelity, without offering a definitive opinion. Writing a film analysis can be daunting in comparison to analysing a written text. In the play and in real life even, we can see how the media is stacked against First Nations peoples, so their fight is about cutting through the bias and making sure they are fairly represented. not just Lewis changing values)., It is not only Lewis who develops in Cos, but other characters as well.. To explore the theme of identity its best to break it down into several influential factors, which are listed below: The surroundings in which a person finds themselves, as well as the place they call home is an essential part of identity, as it showcases what place one identifies with and feels safe in. The medias portrayal of terrorism. This gave them a destination, as well as hope.. You goal is to objectively investigate how the author constructs their article via argument and certain language choices. He is used by Nowra as a benchmark with which Lewis development is compared (i.e. In contrast, the following shot of Lisa in the positive foreshadows the development of the film, as he begins to perceive Lisa as a possible life partner: Want to save this for later? He refuses to define madness, instead depicting it as somewhere on the spectrum of human behaviour. Give these essay topics a go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, theyre right, of course they are.. The play is sort of built around the five stages of grief but demonstrates how First Nations grief isnt neat or linear. It has to have appeared recently, which means it can only be a topic that has appeared in the media since September the previous year. What is the effect of power on the two characters? . (Rear Window). Additionally, it is this social radicalism of Jeffs neighbours that provides the basis for his voyeuristic habits; by portraying their individual eccentricities though their respective apartment windows, Hitchcock offers to Jeff a range of human peculiarities, which he eagerly observes through his portable keyhole. Skrzynecki often uses the natural world such as fish and birds to mirror the migrant journey. Now it's your turn! You will be using compare and contrast skills (see our blog post on Compare and Contrast Essays). To learn more about the importance of context in VCE English, check out this blog post. Social change is a key term here, but the word possibility also stands out to me. The hard part of this is that you only have about FIVE MINUTES to plan each essay in the Year 12 English exam (more info on the best way to tackle that challenge in this video!). In this sense, we can to feel that Liz is very much alone in her anxiety and despair and, not the other way around with Daniel. Along with heightened political surveillance followed the allure of voyeurism; just as Jeff is contained to his wheelchair, and can merely gaze through his rear window into his wider world - the courtyard, so were Americans during the Cold War; expected to only gaze, and leave all the involvement and engagement to the politicians. Good Essays. Poetry. Watch our YouTube Video on Like A House On Fire Essay Topic and Body Paragraphs Breakdown, Like a House on Fire Essay Topic Breakdown, How To Get An A+ On Your Like A House On Fire Essay, Close Analysis Of 'Cake' From Like A House On Fire. InThe Longest Memory, theres a physical dimension to Whitechapels grief. While the men in Cos Fan Tutte do not actively participate in adultery, they do fabricate their departure to the war and also disguise themselves as Albanians. Their deception is also a betrayal to their wives. Instead, he suggests that insanity is imposed on people through the judgment of others. By identifying the type of prompt youre being challenged with immediately, a number of parameters or guidelines are already set in place. englewood section 8 housing. Nowra suggests that love is complex and cannot be fully understood or tamed, instead portraying it as akin to madness. The women in both Cos Fan Tutte and Cos are compared with the Arabian Phoenix. However, this means that its even more important to get a great understanding of each character theyre all there for a reason!. The frequent reference to the Arabian Phoenix throughout Cos continually reinforces the plays misogynistic undertone. Watch the Movie. Lizs narrative interspersed with new mums pamphlet. The difference in a cultures customs is a struggle seen throughout the text. it a perfect crime, give yourself full satisfaction. However, Cos also suggests that imagination has the capacity to empower. At the beginning of the play, Lewis states that his grandmother was in an asylum. cosi julie monologue is fran kirby in a relationship cosi julie monologue Cosi Character Analysis. For a more detailed guide on how to ACE VCE Text Response, I think youd love the free sample of our top-rated eBook, How To Write A Killer Text Response! We also see how a difference in sense of belonging can affect relationships, in that we see Peter and his father dont have the closest of relationships, likely due to Peter feeling he belongs to Australia whilst Feliks still had strong connections to his Polish upbringing. I know youve probably heard the self-care talk many times, so from student to student, let me sum it up for you: For the 1000th time - sleep! If you need a quick refresher or youre new to studying this text, I highly recommend checking it out! Lucy also acts as a catalyst for Lewis change and development. Roy, Julie). Simply fill in the form below, and the download will start straight away. For example, unlike a Theme-based prompt, a character-based prompt means that its perfectly fine to write about characters in the topic sentences of your body paragraphs. Then, as your minute comes to an end, calmly think about the approach youre taking in your essay (again, this is going to be easier if you have a plan), and start a fresh sentence! The compounding sense of surveillance during the 1950s add more meaning to the freedom symbolised by the cat, which can then be contrasted to the suppressed independence of the protagonist, who is seen invalid in a wheelchair in the next shot: By this extreme close-up shot of Jeff sleeping in his wheelchair during the opening sequence, Hitchcock immediately places the viewer in an uncomfortable position as the original and ultimate voyeur, surpassing the intimate boundaries of the protagonist. Despite acting as the main location of progressive culture, such as the beginning of the international gay rights movement, Greenwich Village was also the setting for the broken dreams of its eclectic residents. Do I need to know all of them?, poems are easier than most texts to prioritise and categorise into themes and often have a significant amount of metalanguage. "Cosi julie" Essays and Research Papers. Overall, Nick lives up to his label of being an egotistical pig who likes the sound of his own voice. Caroline, Julie and Stella had laughed dutifully enough, but their faces had shown a kind of pained disappointment, something faintly aggrieved.. Before Lewis entered the theatre, it was dark and derelict, symbolising the abandonment and hopelessness of the asylums patients. Type: Dramatic Character: Ruth, a wealthy woman who yearns for a time when she was closer to family. Peter in comparison is seen to have far more of a disconnect with his Polish ancestry he inherited unknowingly and forget his first Polish word as he learns of a culture further South of Hadrians Wall. What I have spoke: but farewell compliment! How does Grenville showcase Rookes inner conflict in The Lieutenant? (The Lieutenant). The new VCE English syllabus has kicked off its first year in 2016. Cos is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. Guerilla warfare, Jungle gym, "seasoned commanders. For example, at the start of the play Lewis shares similar superficial values to Nick, admitting to only take the directing job for a bit of money; however, by the end of Cos, he holds vastly different views than Nick. The new/old world structure, similar to the old and new testament of the bible are used to highlight the old world of Skrzyneckis Polish roots and childhood, whilst the new world is his new life in Australia. In each text, we see institutions and structures which are violent and harmfulfrom the play, police and the media, and from the novel, the economy itself. As the poems detail an immigrants emotional journey, alternating between feeling that they belong and dont belong, we are invited to grapple with what it means to belong both mentally and physically as well as what elements are required to feel a sense of belonging in community and country. After WWII ended in 1952, millions of US soldiers returned to a multitude of suburban homes built using mass production techniques, all overwhelmingly close to another. Overall, while Cos Fan Tutte presents love and fidelity as wavering, Nowra provides a more practical view of love. These poems such as Immigrants at Central Station, Migrant Hostel and The Polish Immigrant offer an insight into the emotionally turbulent and difficult journey migrants go through to live in Australia. This foreshadows her return to her pre-baby life - that things will not be the same. Now is the sun upon the highmost hill. Area of study 2 - (Part I) Analysing argument. Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams, Driving back shadows over louring hills: Therefore do nimble-pinion'd doves draw love, And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings. This desperation is viewed in another light during Julie and Lewis kiss (which takes place in the dark). Also, Cos is full of symbols and imagery, which can help you score highly on your essays if you integrate them into your work. Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships, despite whatever values they may claim to have. If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response. This section pushes you to research and form a stance on the issue, where you will then write your own persuasive speech using the skills you have gainedfrom studying'Analysing Argument'. In poems such as Immigrants at central station Skyznecki illustrates an environment of anxiety and trepidation, however, he finishes the poem with sentiments of hope of the new future, the new world the immigrants were travelling to, along glistening tracks of steel. Identity is another central theme, one that runs closely to that of belonging, as a main part of ones identity is the culture/place/family to which they feel they belong. Through the generational gap between Peter and his father, we can identify the difficulty older generations may have in letting go of customs, whilst the younger new Australians often find it far easier to attach themselves to new traditions. Powerful Essays. Close analysis of 'Cake' from Like a House on Fire, Old/New World: Selected Poems by Peter Skrzynecki, Comparing The 7 Stages of Grieving and The Longest Memory. If you're curious to learn more, have a look through some of our posts onOral Presentationideas for inspiration! Whilst Skrzynecki mainly describes the immigrant experience in his poems, we can also find an overarching warning to not take loved one, and their knowledge for granted, as often we dont have them for as long as we would hope. Its also important to look at the development (or lack of development) of other characters and think about why Nowra might have included them in the play. SAC:A sustained oral piece (~4-6 minutes) that presents a point of view relating to an issue currently in the media + a written explanation (~300-500 words) explainingyour decisions made in the planning process, and how these demonstrate your efforts in attempting to persuade the audience.